"QI" (2003)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧  青春
  • 片       名"QI"
  • 上映时间2003年09月11日(英国)
  • 导       演 Ian Lorime...
  • 又       名"QI"
  • 编       剧 John Lloyd


  • Stephen Fry: Welcome to QI, the closest modern equivalent to Lions versus Christians. Stephen Fry: How do otters kill crocodiles? Rob Brydon: Softly with their songs. Stephen Fry: What is attractive about the Costa Rican Army? Jo Brand: They have a pulse. [During a discussion on the future of Aviation, Stephen remarks that the flight crew of the future will consist of one pilot and a dog] Stephen Fry: The job of the pilot will be to feed the dog. The job of the dog is to bite the pilot if he tries to touch anything. [advice on airline food] Stephen Fry: Anything white is sweet, anything brown is meat, anything grey, don't eat. Stephen Fry: [quoting boxer Alan Minter] Sure, there have been injuries and deaths in boxing, but none have been serious. Stephen Fry: [quoting Albert Einstein] Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe. Stephen Fry: If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people in the world? [the contestants are discussing elephants] Alan Davies: Do they take it down the trunk? Clive Anderson: After a few drinks, they'll take it anywhere. Clive Anderson: I'm fascinated that hair grows after death, I'm looking forward to that. Sean Lock: Banana plants, whatever they're called, walk. Stephen Fry: [looking off-stage] Nurse, nurse, he's out of bed again. Stephen Fry: If a Lion mates with a Tiger, you get a...? Alan Davies: Scandal. Rich Hall: [after being informed that Earth has a second moon called "Cruithne"] So why is there not one romantic song with the word Cruithne in it? "Blue Cruithne of Kentucky"? Or "Cruithne River"? Or... Alan Davies: No-one can see it, it's miles away. Stephen Fry: Because it was discovered in [shouts] Stephen Fry: nineteen-ninety-fucking-four! Sean Lock: No! That can't be right. Because the song is "Blue moon, I saw you standing alone." Not "with a small friend". Stephen Fry: Welcome to the show that refreshes the parts other shows doesn't even have names for. Stephen Fry: Have you met any American Jeremy? Jeremy Clarkson: No, It's too complicated - three syllables. Jeremy Clarkson: [Recounting a trip to Amsterdam] I walked into a brothel on Saturday. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stephen Fry 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You heard it here first, folks. Jeremy Clarkson: It was like a motorway services station toilet. Alan Davies: That must have been a Welcome Break. Stephen Fry: What's the collective noun for a group of baboons? Rich Hall: The Pentagon. Stephen Fry: [signing off] And as they say in Ireland, may you get to Heaven a half-hour before the Devil knows you're dead. Stephen Fry: This is turning into the most appaling Primary School nonsense. Sean Lock: This is like the Early Learning Centre. [Stephen admits to asking a trick question about the birth of a historical figure] Stephen Fry: There was nothing unusual about the birth. [pointing to Alan] Stephen Fry: We just wanted Laughing Boy to fall into our cunning trap. Stephen Fry: [holding his clenched left fist out in front of him] If I had a moth ball in this hand and a moth ball in that hand, [bringing out his right fist] Stephen Fry: What have I got? Alan Davies: Two moth balls? Stephen Fry: No, a very excited moth. Rich Hall: Doctors use acronyms, such as GOMER - Get Out of My Emergency Room, or SARA - Sexual Activity Related Accident. Stephen Fry: There is one that doctors use in my part of the world which is NFN - Normal for Norfolk. Stephen Fry: Why is a Marathon 26 miles, 385 yards long? Alan Davies: I feel a trap coming on. Rich Hall: You can develop film in the Lee river, but you can't Kayak in it. Stephen Fry: What is the commonest material in the world? Clive Anderson: Jim Davidson. Stephen Fry: Welcome to QI, the show that rhymes with Stephen Fry. Alan Davies: I am *not* as stupid as you think! Stephen Fry: No, you're not, you couldn't be. Stephen Fry: What's long and pink and hard in the morning? [pause] Stephen Fry: "The Financial Times'" crossword. Stephen Fry: [during an odd one out question] None of them is the odd one out is the answer. Do you know why? Phill Jupitus: What kind of a hellish quiz is this? Stephen Fry: Fair point. Phill Jupitus: "What one's the odd one out? None of them. Baah, bah, bah, bah." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stephen Fry 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Hey. Is that me? Phill Jupitus: That's you. Stephen Fry: Oh bugger you. I don't sound like that. Baah, bah, bah. Stephen Fry: [after stating the Thomas Eddison invented the word Hello] The word that existed before as "hullo" h-u-l-l-o, which never meant a greeting, it just meant an expression of surprise - "Hullo, what have we got here?" "Hullo, what's this?" We still use it in that sense. Bill Bailey: Do we? Stephen Fry: "Hullo, what's that?"... Don't we, Bill? Bill Bailey: Yes. Yes, when we live our life like 1950s detective films. I often go to my fridge, "Hullo, we're out of milk. I say mother, where's the milk?" Stephen Fry: You beast, you beast, you utter, utter beast. Stephen Fry: [regarding a village in the mountains of Nuremberg, Germany] Now what did this village provide the whole world with for more than a hundred consecutive Christmases? Sean Lock: War criminals. Sean Lock: The American cat's eyes break every time you go over them. Stephen Fry: Do you know why that is? Sean Lock: Because they're shit. [answering the question, "What does fear smell like?"] Rich Hall: I think fear smells of crab salad. I went to this deli the other day and said "Can I have a crab salad sandwich?", and the woman behind the counter said "We're out of crab salad, I'm afraid". Alan Davies: Why are there no aspirins in the jungle? [pause] Alan Davies: The parrots-eat-em-all! Stephen Fry: What do we know about the Magi? Phill Jupitus: They taught Luke Skywalker everything he knows. Alan Davies: [about tortoises] My nephew's got one, and it attacks you. It actually runs and throws itself at your feet. Sean Lock: You sure that's not a rabbit in a helmet? Bill Bailey: [who collected butterflies as a kid] The irony was that moths got into the collection and ate them all! Phill Jupitus: [during a round about the sinking of the Titanic] Is it true that someone dressed as a lady to escape detection? Stephen Fry: Yes, apparently it is true because it was women and children first. Bill Bailey: [laughs] I thought you said "someone dressed as a *baby*" Phill Jupitus: [putting on posh accent] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • "Yes, goo-goo indeed. I have a lollipop and I have no control over my urinary functions. I am, in fact, an infant. And I know you think I'm Lord Albermal, but I am in fact a little baby. With a beard. Yes, goo-goo, gaa-gaa. And Madam, may I tell you I've been a very naughty baby."! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stephen Fry: A question for Rich. How would you French-kiss a woodpecker? Rich Hall: You would have to seduce it. You would have to get it interested in you. Put a toothpick in your mouth. Say nice things to it. "That's nice plumage." Then give it a date rape drug. Alan Davies: Should all else fail. Stephen Fry: Can anyone tell me what the national bird of England is? Jo Brand: I can tell you what it is for women: Thrush. Alan Davies: I can tell you what it is for men: Cock. Alan Davies: [after his buzzer is a sexy woman's voice saying "Ahoy, hello sailor"] Hang on, hang on, who was that? [pushes buzzer again] Alan Davies: Hells bells. Rob Brydon: [about whether Jesus could walk on custard] Actually this was one of the Lord's favorite past times. Out with the bread, out with the fish, oh, look what I got for desert, somebody hold my shoes. Rich Hall: [asked by Stephen whether Jesus could walk on custard] Maybe at one point when he was a children's entertainer. That's a sarcastic question to ask him, "Water? How about custard?" Rob Brydon: When I was small and my dad just happened to hit his finger with a hammer for something new, he used to say, 'Hells bells and buckets of blood.' Stephen Fry: That's a good saying 'Hells bells and buckets of blood.' I usually just say "Fuck it!" 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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