Dos tipos duros (2005)

  • 西班牙
  • |
  • 喜剧  动作  犯罪
Dos tipos duros
  • 片       名Dos tipos duros
  • 上映时间2003年09月05日(西班牙)
  • 导       演 Juan Mart&...
  • 又       名Dos tipos duros
  • 编       剧 Juan Mart&...


  • Alex: So what's your name? Paco: Paco. Alex: No, shit, I mean, professionally what's your name? Paco: Paco. Alex: Don't you have a nickname? Like..."Killer Paco", "The Subway Psycho", "Hatchet Man". Paco: Yes. Francisco. Alex: You could call yourself Michael Knight, like in "Knightrider". What do you think, eh? Paco: Look. Shut your fucking mouth or you'll get the car up your ass! Rule No. 1: My car is sacred. Like my mother's sex life, you don't mention it. Rule No. 2: The music I play in my car is also sacred, whether it's the Vienna Boys Choir or Bing Crosby. Got that? Alex: Yeah, sure. I didn't mean to annoy you. I like all kinds of music, really. It's just that, as you're saying nothing, I'm doing the talking... [silence] Alex: Well, who do we have to kill? Paco: What you talking about, you asshole! Alex: Are we not going to kill someone? Are you not a hired killer? Paco: Look, you dickhead! I've been everything in this life. Gigolo, pool cleaner, messenger and a killer too. Everything but a faggot, got that? Alex: Yes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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