好汉两个半 (2003)

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  • [Charlie has arranged a "play date" for Jake] Charlie: The kid plays, and I have a date. Everybody wins. Alan: Are you happy? Charlie: I have my moments, but they're getting farther apart. Alan: What's the matter with you? Charlie: I just had lunch with my mother and my stalker... We spent the afternoon eating off each other's plates and discussing my fear of intimacy. Alan: Show me the better. Alan: I was afraid you'd pick up on that. Evelyn Harper: I'm not speaking to you. Charlie: OK Evelyn Harper: Do you want to know why? Charlie: No, I trust your judgment. Charlie: Why don't you make like a hockey player, and get the puck out of here. Charlie: Look, Jake, I'm sorry about the Wendy thing, but there's nothing I can do about it. And I want us to be buddies again, I don't want you to hate me, any more. Jake: I don't hate you. Charlie: Good. Jake: I'm just very disappointed in you. Charlie: Hey, I get enough of that crap from my mother. Alan: Well you know what, it doesn't matter if I look cool, we judge a person by what's inside, not by what they wear. Jake: Lucky for you, huh. Alan: This is not who I am. Charlie: Yeah, but who you are, couldn't get laid under water, with a tank full of oxygen. Judith: How was your weekend? Jake: Uncle Charlie says I don't have to tell you. Alan: Jake, go to your room. Jake: If you're going to talk about sex, why don't you go to your own room? Alan: [turning to Jake] Now! [looks at a picture of the pretty actress that will be his date] Alan: That her? [blows his nose] Alan: I'm cured! Charlie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I remember your high school friend Jamie Eckleberry. We used to call her Eckleberry Hound. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Alan: You used to call her that. Charlie: I didn't name her that. I just spread it around. Hey, be sure to keep her off the rug. Alan: Very funny. You know she's very successful in her field. Charlie: Oh, how nice. She has a field to run around in! Alan: This is getting old. Charlie: In people or dog years? Look, I'll be nice. I'll say hello... then scratch behind her ears. Alan: Are you done yet? Charlie: I hope she looks fetching. OK, now I'm done. [There's a knock at the door. Jamie enters, wearing a curve hugging dress and showing off lots of cleavage] Charlie: [with his mouth hanging open] Woof! Sean Penn: Back off, Mary Poppins. Elvis Costello: [while writing down song lyrics based on Sean Penn's thoughts, Elvis Costello comes up with an excuse for what he's writing down] Shopping list. Charlie: Bought some hamburgers, Bought the hats; ate the hamburgers, wearing the hats. Alan: Hold on Mom, [puts a hand over the phone] Alan: Charlie, Mom says if she is ever comatose, she wants you to decided to pull the plug or not. Charlie: [doesn't even think about it] Pull. Alan: Mom, Charlie on board. Alan: Jake, for the last time, nobody got "creamed", no one won, no one lost. Jake: Yeah except for us, twelve to two. Charlie: Well it doesn't matter if you win or lose; it's whether or not you beat the spread. Alan: Help me Charlie, I wanna sing for no reason. Alan: She just throw me out after ten years! Charlie: How did you get in my house? Frankie: You're gonna get laid tonight. Alan: [starts tearing up] I think I might cry again. Jake: I understand. Charlie: Do you? Jake: No, I'm just tired and I don't care anymore. Charlie: I'll admit you're kookie Judith. But compared to our mother you're like a fart in a hurricane. [Charlie has run into some financial trouble] Charlie: I can't do this anymore. I quit. Alan: You can't quit poverty, Charlie. [Alan is looking at a photo of Charlie's old girlfriend who is now a man] Alan: Holy mother of god! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Charlie 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Welcome to the matrix. Alan: [Alan is sleep walking] Gort. Klatuu, barada, nikto. Charlie: What? Alan: [seductively] You know... Charlie: You know, it wouldn't kill you to talk to Mom once in a while. Alan: We don't know that. Charlie: A clueless woman is a happy woman. Charlie: Drugs! Get me drugs! Alan: No. Medication will only mask the pain. Charlie: Fine, mask it! Give it a cape and let it fight crime, I don't give a damn! [after Alan forgot to pick him up at school] Jake: How many kids you got? Alan: [to Charlie] Does your penis have an off switch? Alan: How do I look? Charlie: [doesn't look at him] Great. All men want to be you, all women want to be with you. Alan: Charlie, can you at least look at me before you answer? Charlie: [looks up] I stand corrected... All men want to be with you. Alan: How do I look? Charlie: [not looking] You look great. All men want to be you, all women want to be with you. Alan: You're not even looking. Charlie: [looks] I stand corrected. All men want to be with you... Berta: Gadzooks! Sparky's getting his freak on. Charlie: We live in an age of miracles. Berta: I guess if they can put a man on the moon, they can put a woman on your brother. [Charlie is working out; Alan drink from his bottle] Alan: What is this? Charlie: Bourbon. Alan: You're drinking bourbon while working out? Charlie: Gin makes me sweat. Jake: [a little while after he breaks wind] Everybody save yourselves. Run for your lives [runs outside] Alan: ...And as a general rule, when he says it's bad, take his word for it. [rises from the table] Rose: Oh, please, Alan, I grew up with three older brothers and *oh, my God*! Charlie: [after Jake spends a night at Evelyn's house] Do you realize that he [Jake] Charlie: did in one night, what we could never do in our lifetime. Alan: He broke her. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Charlie 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : He chewed her up and spit her out. Alan: It was a beautiful thing. Sherri: [standing in the bedroom, wearing a negligee] You're unbelievable, Alan. Alan: Now, that could be taken a number of ways... Sherri: Get out! Alan: No ambiguity there. Charlie: [Alan is complaining about Judith wasting the money he pays in child support] You're like an Alzheimer's patient at a whore house - you keep forgetting that you've been screwed, and you keep refusing to pay for it. Charlie: [making a deal with Alan while standing at a urinal] Want to shake on it? Charlie: [their mother just came to visit] So... to what do we owe the... Evelyn Harper: Pleasure? Charlie: No, that's not it. Evelyn Harper: Well, I just felt like coming by to see some people who I love very much. Alan: And they weren't home? Evelyn Harper: [Evelyn left her bra in Charlie's car] Now go get Mommy's bra. [Charlie stands and pulls the bra out of his pocket. Pause] Evelyn Harper: Oh, darling, that's just sick. [Evelyn takes the bra. Starts to walk away, then turns back to Charlie] Evelyn Harper: Seek help. Evelyn Harper: [Evelyn's in the hospital. Charlie keeps pulling out a plug and re-inserting it] Charlie, what are you doing? Charlie: Practicing. Judith: Now was that so hard? Alan: No, actually, it was surprisingly easy. [shuts door] Alan: All I had to do was bend over and unclench. Evelyn Harper: I need to find something black. [for the funeral] Charlie: I think your heart counts. Charlie: [Alan is supposed to have a colonoscopy, and is very worried about it] Count your blessings; in the old days, they had to send a sketch-artist up there. Isabella: [chanting] Annoint him, annoint him, annoint him. Charlie: [singing] I can't stop this feeling, deep inside of me, girl, you just don't realize what you do to me. Rose: When your psyche is iffy, you can't get a stiffy. Charlie: Secret elixir, huh? Well, I'm usually more of a bourbon guy but when push comes to shove I don't know what the hell's in that either. Charlie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • People who live in fat asses shouldn't throw waffles. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Judith: I think he needs to see someone. Alan: What, you mean like a shrink? Judith: No, I mean like a blacksmith. This is clearly a reaction to our divorce - he's not processing his emotions in a healthy way and I think therapy could help unblock him. Alan: Where did you get that? Judith: From my therapist. Alan: [sarcastically] Who's working wonders for you. Judith: Excuse me! Alan: [sincerely] Who's working wonders for you. Alan: He's just a normal 11-year-old boy who happens to be grumpy. Judith: And I'm just a normal 35-year-old mother who happens to be running out of patience, and by patience I mean Prozac. Alan: Wait a minute, you can't still be Jake: Hey uncle Charlie, what's green, has four legs and if it falls out of a tree onto you it will hurt Charlie: I don't know what. Jake: A pool table ha ha ha ha that's funny because you wouldn't think of that. Dr. Linda Freeman: Do you like puppets? Jake: Not really. Dr. Linda Freeman: [taking out the cow-puppet and changing her voice] Neither do I! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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