Haggard: The Movie (2003)

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Haggard: The Movie
  • 片       名Haggard: The Mo...
  • 上映时间2003年06月24日(美国)
  • 导       演 班姆·玛吉瑞


  • Officer: I gotta take you in. Valo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Aww, for the love of fucks sake, you CAN'T take him in. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Officer: I gotta make an arrest here; I had a complaint... Valo: Whwhwhwh, wait, I got this sports watch, you can have it, here. Glauren: What I need right now is heavy metal music, hard drinkin, mayhem, shit you can't offer me right now, okay Ryan? Ryan Dunn: Who are you? You don't even like fast music - you don't even drink. Glauren: [indignant] Yeah. Before I met Hellboy. You know what your problem is? You always want shit to stay the same, okay? I need to get out there. I wanna play the field - of dicks. [beat] Ryan Dunn: Eww. Falcone: These... are girlfriend's... underwears. Officer: Hellboy? Ryan Dunn: Picture a guy named Hellboy... and that's what he looks like. Hellyboy: What the fuck is that? Do I have a camera? Ryan Dunn: That's a nice tattoo you got there. What does that mean? Girl at Coffee Shop: It means desire. Ryan Dunn: Desire huh? What the fuck does that mean? Does that mean you're into dudes with fuckin' long hair, smell like beer, have shitty tattoos; maybe they hang out at the bowling alley! Maybe, just maybe you'll go out back and rub their sick crotch; he'll stick his hands down your pants. Meanwhile, your boyfriend's sittin' at home jerkin off to fuckin' gay porn. Glauren: Hellboy fucking fingered me. [Glauren and Hellboy are having sex; Valo and Falcone are eavesdropping] Glauren: Teenagers were meant to fuck. Valo: Did she just say "teenagers were meant to fuck"? Don Vito: No, what are you doin'? Those grapes ain't for you. [while filming a home movie using a model train set and action figures] Falcone: What are you guys doing, humping on the caboose? [Talking about Hellboy's tattoo] Glauren: Actually, he's got a rhino. Ya' know, I'm a Leo so I like rhinos... [In a sarcastic voice] Ryan Dunn: Yeah, rhino, real cool. Valo: Some girl stabbed Ryan in the eye, now he's gotta rock a pirate-patch for at least a month. Falcone: So how's school going, Raab? Raab: Ohh, wow, not so good. I lost my schedule at the beginning of the semester, and couldn't find where my classes for like a month and a half. And I'm getting three D's and an F, but I mean, it's not that bad considering I passed. Valo: Don't touch me, or I'll seriously kill your face, it's so hardcore. Valo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tell him how Hellboy's in for it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Falcone: You know Hellboy? He's in for it. [after showing Ryan the tape of Hellboy and Glauren having sex] Ryan: I'm gonna rip Hellboy a new asshole. Valo: No, I think Hellboy ripped Glauren a new asshole. Dooly: Bro, why weren't you at the rager last night? Valo: What rager? Maybe 'cause you didn't call me up and invite me. Dooly: Watch your mouth, sweetheart. Valo: Yo, what was it like though, bein' in jail for the first time? Was it good? Ryan: Just drop it. Valo: Did you meet any new friends? Ryan: Just drop it, alright? Valo: Let me guess: some sort of experiment? Falcone: Spearmint? I'd rather Wintergreen. What are you talkin' about? Valo: The TV. It's sideways. Falcone: Why wouldn't it be sideways? I have to watch it with my neck straight, so I'm comfortable. Otherwise I'd have a taco neck, ya know? Valo: Did you take acid? Falcone: ...yea. Falcone: I will tell you everything, I'll let you know. You'll be so much smarter. Girls are like... a lake, you know? Like, you can jump right in, get in there, and then you're all used to it and everything's great. But come winter time [snaps fingers] Falcone: that shit's fuckin' frozen. Then you're fucked. That's why I know the difference: I always pull out of it. Valo: What are you talking about? This food is making you crazy. Valo: What the fuck is wrong with all my friends? Falcone: Later on do you wanna go to to the bakery? I can almost taste it with my nose. Ever feel that way? Falcone: I like chocolate, I like fudge, I'll make some now or I won't budge. Don Vito: [to Ryan, through restaurant window] What're you *doin'* in there? I've been looking all over for you to... feed me some grapes! Ryan Dunn: [after Glauren apologizes] Get lost. [she turns around and smacks Valo] Ryan Dunn: You dumped me for a guy named HELLBOY? Valo: You paint your face fluorescent yellow and you want a sip of my booze? Fuck off! Ryan Dunn: Dude! She got fingered! Fat Guy with Watermelon: You picked the wrong motherfucker to fuck with! Glauren: I got a two o'clock. Ryan Dunn: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I am your two o'clock. You're a hairdresser, I got bad hair and I need you to cut it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Glauren: You're an asshole. Ryan Dunn: You look beautiful today. Glauren: You look like shit. Ryan Dunn: Gee thanks, why do you think I'm in here? I'm getting my hair cut. I know I look like shit. Valo: Alright dude, seriously just relax okay? Look at that girl over there. She's reading a book alone. If that's not an invitation, I don't know what is. Ryan Dunn: What are you talking about, Valo? It's a coffee shop. People like that come here to get away from people like us. Valo: She is looking for ass, I can see it. Ryan Dunn: What does it matter? I look like shit. Valo: Go talk to her. Ryan Dunn: What do I say? Valo: I don't know. Compliment her on that tattoo or something. Ryan Dunn: Yeah, that'll work. It sounds so fucking lame. Valo: Worked for Glauren. Wallet Guy: There's gotta be a fucking five in here somewhere. Valo: He definitely doesn't wear the pants in that relationship. Falcone: Pants? He wears girl's underwears. Falcone: Don Vito is a whore about his grapes. Valo: Why is Don Vito such a bitch about grapes? Falcone: Yeah, Don Vito's a whore about grapes. Valo: Your fucking brilliant plan just got me pissed on by Hellboy's sick dick. Valo: You've got a fucking rhinoceros on your chest! What the hell did you do? Ryan: I just got a tattoo... Valo: It looks ri-Goddamn-diculous! Valo: When was the last time you beat off? Ryan: ...What? Valo: When was the last time you beat off? Glauren: I get all the free games I want. What can you offer me? Ryan: I don't know how I can compete with free games, but how about my UTTER DEVOTION to you? Glauren: That's so overrated. Valo: I don't care if it's a car, I don't care if it's a Goddamn Batmobile. I don't want to drive with him. Ryan: [halfheartedly throws bottle] Valo: That was the most pussified attempt I have ever seen. Valo: What the fuck is wrong with your face? We're about to perform a highly illegal break-in and you're on your way to a football game with your frat buddies! Valo: [Valo's voicemail message] Yeah, I figured it'd be you, that's why I didn't answer it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Valo: Seriously, knock that shit off. I'm going to punch your throat off your body. I'm walking over here. If you follow me, I'm gonna kill you. Beth: I think those are the most innovative people I've ever seen. Valo: Are you kidding me? I think that's the most asinine shit I've ever seen apart from that ghetto ass fuck machine! Glauren: What do you mean no? You said you'd do anything for me the other night! Ryan: I think I was drunk... and rather stupid. So no. And fuck off. Glauren: Me fuck off? Ryan: FUCK OFF! Glauren: Fuck you! [slaps Valo] Bartenders: You could be up to your spuds in bitch meat every day, but that's not love, that's just jacking loads of birds. Raab: See you Valo. Valo: God-damn, I don't know him. Bartenders: What the hell? Valo: Oh, it's just Naked Dave. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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