Gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón, La (2004)

  • 西班牙
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  • 动作  冒险  喜剧
Gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón, La
  • 片       名Gran aventura d...
  • 上映时间2004年04月02日(希腊)
  • 导       演 哈维尔·费舍尔


  • Mortadelo: Don't thank me, Chief. Just give me a Christmas bonus. Filemón Pí: Didn't I send you a turkey last year? Mortadelo: Sure. 1/4 pound of sliced spam. Mortadelo: What a drag, isn't it? Filemón Pí: It's the Super, Mortadelo. He probably wants to tell us something. Mortadelo: What could he want so early, Chief? Amena (voice): This is AT & T free information service. Go to T.I.A.G.H.Q. if you want to keep your nuts intact. Filemón Pí: But he wanted us at 6 A.M., i.e. After Midday, and it's only 11 in the morning! For God's sake! Ofelia: What are you doing? Filemón Pí: Deciding who's taking you out to dinner, Ofelia. Ofelia: Don't cry, Mr. Filemón. You can take me out some other time. Mortadelo: No, that's why he's crying. The loser takes the cow out to pasture. Filemón Pí: I'm available, darling. La Amiga de Mentxu la madre de Filemón: With that mug, I'm not surprised. Calimero, el Tirano: The Red Phone. See what I mean? Hello? Nadiusko, espía ruso: Calimero? Calimero, el Tirano: Excuse me? Nadiusko, espía ruso: I want to speak with Calimero. Calimero, el Tirano: A homosexual communist. And he knows my first name! Mortadelo: Forget it, Chief. It's not the end of the world. Filemón Pí: Dead weight, Mortadelo. The Super called me dead weight! Mortadelo: Look on the bright side. If he said you're dead weight, he probably meant that you're a heavyweight... a burden... a dead weight... Calimero, el Tirano: [on the red phone] Who is it? Nadiusko, espía ruso: Ah, Mr. Excellency. Good morning, Generalissimo. It's Nadiusko. At your and the fatherland's service. I don't know if you remember... Fredy Mazas: AHHHHHHHHHHH! Nadiusko, espía ruso: Anyway... What a beautiful country. And the people are so charming. And 2 phones... a red one and a black one... What's the black one for? Calimero, el Tirano: For ordering people's heads cut off when they lie to me on the red one. Nadiusko, espía ruso: Really? Ofelia: Mortadelo, how will you introduce me? As your fiancée, your lover, your confident...? Mortadelo: His Excellency's son and... maid. Fredy Mazas: Hi, six-toes! Don't you like the milk of our country? Mortadelo: What do you mean? Fredy Mazas: As you brought your own cow... Mortadelo: [laughing] VERY WITTY, DUDE, VERY WITTY! El Profesor Bacterio: [from the bathroom] Ofelia, bring me some blank papers! There's a fax coming in! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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