寻爱航程 (2003)

  • 美国 德国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名寻爱航程
  • 上映时间2003年10月15日
  • 导       演 莫特·内森Mort
  • 剧       情
    尼克(霍雷肖·萨兹 饰)是一个单身汉,他的朋友杰瑞(小古巴·古丁 饰)刚刚被女友抛弃,于是,尼克提议两人结伴参加一个前往加勒比海的单身旅行活动,他们的目的是为了在众多的单身游客中找到自己的爱情。但是,上船后他们却发现自己犯了个致命的错误:船上的游客都是单身的没...


  • [finding out he was on a gay cruise] Nick Ragoni: I wonder how many people made the same mistake as I did [looks around] Nick Ragoni: NO ONE! SHIT! [about his controlling fiancée] Jerry Robinson: Now the only thing I have to decide for the rest of my life is if I want to be buried or cremated. Nope, I'm being buried next to Felicia... she told me this morning. Felicia: Be careful with those briefcases, they're worth more than what you make in a year! Brian: Hey fuck you pal! Nick Ragoni: Fuck you back! Brian: Fuck your mother! Nick Ragoni: Oh yeah no one would wanna fuck my mother cause she's too damn ugly! [Turns to Jerry] Nick Ragoni: I just lost it there didn't I. Jerry Robinson: [while nodding] Ya. Jerry Robinson: How could you think I'm GAY? Game Show Host: And how about you, Bachelor #3? What's the most unusual place that *you* ever made love? Bachelor #3: Inside a woman. Lloyd Faversham: My name is Faversham. Lloyd Faversham. Lloyd Faversham: Would you like a bite of my sausage? [bites sausage] Lloyd Faversham: In England, we call them "bangers". Nick Ragoni: [after seeing the Swedish Bikini Team on board] I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me. Man on Deck: Sure, my pleasure. [pinchs Nick on the butt] Nick Ragoni: Ow! I didn't say on my ass! Man on Deck: You didn't *not* say it! Nick Ragoni: I didn't think I had to specify! Jesus! Lloyd Faversham: I'm what you colonials might call a badassed motherfucker. Nick Ragoni: How gay can a breakfast buffet be? [after Nick insults him] Lloyd Faversham: [flirtatiously] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • How do you know I love to be humiliated. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lloyd Faversham: You may think of me as simply a flamboyant old queen, but I spent over 30 years in the SAS, serving Her Majesty, the *real* Queen. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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