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"¡Mucha Lucha!"

"¡Mucha Lucha!" (2002) 4.4

2002-08-17(美国)| 动画 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2002-08-17(美国) 类型: 动画 喜剧
评分: 力荐



Rikochet: No! I'm *not* going to fail! I'm going to do what a *real* manager would do! The Flea: Take ten percent? The Flea: Foolish Snow Pea! You stand between the Flea and doughnuts! [repeated line] Snow Pea: Snow Pea! The Flea: The Flea cannot feel The Flea's legs. Oh, here they are, right next to The Flea. The Flea: The heart of Snowpea was dark. The flea could tell it in the way he said "Snowpea! Snowpea!"

"¡Mucha Lucha!"

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