Tongan Ninja (2002)

  • 新西兰
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  • 动作  喜剧  经典
  • 片       名Tongan Ninja
  • 上映时间2002年11月02日
  • 导       演 Jason Stut...


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  • /a> Action Fighter: Your father was eaten by a fish! Tongan Ninja: You fight like a clown Action Fighter: That is because I was trained by a fool Tongan Ninja: He's your father? Action Fighter: Yes, and what's more I am his son Action Fighter: So, you are the infamous Gun Man Gun Man: That's right Action Fighter: I hear your good with guns Gun Man: I'm not just good; I'm the best Action Fighter: I heard you were good. I once knew a man who was good with children. They called him; Children Man. Know him? Gun Man: I kneecapped him and then I killed him Action Fighter: Nice [the badguys are trying to escape the Tongan Ninja in a car chase] Asian Sidekick: Somehow he knows where we are going Ninja: Should I stop indicating? Action Fighter: Welcome to my patio of death! Tongan Ninja: Marvin! Action Fighter: That name no longer holds any meaning to me. I am now known as... Action Fighter Miss Lee: You killed him! Tongan Ninja: Yeah. He was going to hurt you Miss Lee Miss Lee: Don't you understand? You can't just kill someone! [Miss Lee runs off] Tongan Ninja: Women Miss Lee: I need to talk to you Tongan Ninja: Look, if it's about the decapitation thing I'm sorry Action Fighter: And then there was this other guy... I gouged out his eyes, swapped them around, and then replaced them... as a joke! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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