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"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius"

"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron...

2002-09-02(加拿大)| 动画 家庭 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2002-09-02(加拿大) 类型: 动画 家庭 喜剧 科幻
获奖信息:美国编剧工会奖(2004年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

Follows Jimmy Neutron, his faithful robotic dog, Goddard, and his eclectic friends and family as they experience life in Retroville. Jimmy i...更多>


[Sheen and Carl are playing a board game] Sheen: Seven. Your llama falls into a mud pit. Carl: Sheen! There are no mud pits in "Llama's Day Out". Sheen: Maybe *that* explains why I'm having no fun. [Jimmy is struck by lightning over the phone] Carl: Jimmy! Are you okay? If you can hear me, give me the answers to 5a through 11c. You know, just so I know you're OK. Nick: We have to what? Sheen: You heard him. We have to make our teacher toss the lunch monkey. We need a bucket, an umbrella, and whatever they were serving for lunch in the cafeteria last Thursday. Jimmy: Bring my screwdriver and my special CD of town-saving music. Crowd: (In unison) You were right and we were wrong. Jimmy: Thanks. A healthy skepticism is the sign of... Say it again. Crowd: (In unison) You were right and we were wrong. Jimmy: Now in French. [Crowd repeats in French] Jimmy: Now in Chinese. [Crowd mutters in confusion] Jimmy: We found the lost tomb. Cindy: Shouldn't we call National Geographic or Harvard? Libby: Or Harrison Ford? Nick: Get out of my way, Shine. Sheen: SHEEN. Carl: We saw a ghost, and it has Jimmy! Cindy: Good. It can keep him. Sheen: You really have some anger issues, don't you? Hugh: Watch me shot-put this potato. Judy: Oh, ooh, be careful! [Hugh throws the potato out the window] Man: Ow! My eye! Cindy: So, do we have to refer to you as Queen Libby? Libby: No. "Your mighty fine royal fabulousness" will do.


[Cindy watches Jimmy and Betty dance]


Cindy: I wouldn't dance with Nerdtron if he was the last boy on earth. Sheen: Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Cindy: *Methinks* you better button your yap before I button it for you! [a button appears on Sheen's mouth] Cindy: You just can't accept the fact that my plan is better than yours. Jimmy: Is not! Cindy: Is so! Jimmy: Is not! Cindy: Is so Carl: [screaming] STOP IT! STOP IT! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS CONSTANT FIGHTING IS TEARING US ALL APART? [pause] Sheen: [laughing] That was cool, Carl. I really believed you for a second. [Carl and Sheen see Prof. Calamitous enter the Candy Bar] Carl: Sheen. It's the perp! Sheen: Hey, yeah. You wrestle him to the ground and cuff him, and I'll watch. Carl: Why do you get to watch? Calamitous: May I use your... Sam Melnick: Telephone? Teeth whitening kit? Restroom? Calamitous: Restroom! Sam Melnick: No. It's for paying customers only. Calamitous: All right. I'll have a chocolate... Sam Melnick: Sundae? Rumball? Milkshake? [Jimmy and Officer Tubbs enter] Jimmy: Officer Tubbs, man that bathroom. Officer Tubbs: Thanks. Don't mind if I do. [Repeated line] Jimmy: Think. THINK. [the inside of Jimmy's brain is shown] Jimmy: Brain blast! [Jimmy and Cindy have switched bodies and are taking a pop quiz] Cindy: The ant is a member of the vegetable family Jimmy: Name the planets: Farkle, Gubgub... [Later] Miss Fowl: I would like an explanation for the two abominable grades Cindy: There's a perfect explanation. I, Jimmy Neutron, am a gabble-headed dipstick. Jimmy: But not as big a dipstick as you are, Miss Fowl. And if I don't get a month's worth of detentions for this, you're even dumber than you look. Cindy: Well, how many detentions is *this* worth, Miss Foul-breath? [Cindy kicks papers on Miss Fowl's desk] [Hugh is playing with Brobot] Hugh: I got your nose. (It comes off) I really do... Here's 5 bucks. [Jimmy feeds the Willie Loman 3000 too much book gum] Willy Loman 3000:


Once upon a time... It was the best of times, It was the worst of times... Elementary, my dear Watson... Hop on Pop... You're a sor-sor-sor-sorcerer, Harry... Danger, Jimmy Neutron... Dangerdangerdangerdangerdangerdanger...

"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius"

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