

American Psycho II: All American Girl 更多片名>

2002-07-25(匈牙利)| 恐怖 喜剧 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:2002-07-25(匈牙利) 类型: 恐怖 喜剧 惊悚
评分: 力荐



Rachael Newman: [after strangling Brian with a condom] Ribbed, for her pleasure. Rachael's Mom: Sweet Jesus, it smelled like someone died in here! Barbara: Excuse me! Rachael: Oh bite me, Barbie. Barbara: Hi Professor Starkman. [He looks at her scared] Barbara: Hey? Starkman: Miss Brown. Barbara: Hi. Starkman: How are ya? Barbara: Good! Starkman: Good. Barbara: So big day's tomorrow, right? Starkman: What'd you mean? Barbara: For the T.A. position. You're announcing it tomorrow, right? Starkman: Yes, of course. At noon, in my classroom. Barbara: [she laughs] I can't wait. I think my chances are much better this year than they were last. Starkman: Mm I would think so, it's a very tight race this year. Barbara: So were you looking for Cassandra? Starkman: Oh. Barbara: Because she wasn't in class, so she probably left for spring break quite early. Starkman: Well actually, erm, the, erm. Barbara: It's Cassandra isn't it! She got the position! Oh, good for her but [she laughs] Barbara: Look I can't say that I'm not disappointed but I mean, it's like they say. What doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger, right? [He smiles] Barbara: Well, see ya. Starkman: Hello Miss Brown. Barbara: Hello! Starkman: It's good to see you. Barbara: It's good to see you! Rachael: [voiceover] My heart rate nearly triples when I get to the party and see that the vultures have already descended upon Starkman. Starkman:


He broke the mould because he only murdered two people in his entire career.


[the group of students around him laugh] Rachael: [voiceover] I must have lost track of time running. I had planned to get here early to get as much face time with Starkman as possible and now I'm late. [Barbara pushes her to the side] Rachael: [voiceover] This is a disaster. Barbara: Bitch.


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