
进化 (2001) 6.0

Evolution 更多片名>

2001-07-27(危地马拉)| 喜剧 科幻| 美国
上映时间:2001-07-27(危地马拉) 类型: 喜剧 科幻
评分: 力荐

一块记载着外星生命轨迹的流星坠落到亚利桑那州的荒漠中后开始了进化。没几周,这些外星生命的形态就从单细胞的有机体进化到类鸟和类灵长的生物。外星生命的进化如此飞速,将会使得他们很快支配整个世界,并且导致人类的灭亡!    伊尔是一个有些虚伪但很有才气的科研人员,由于处于事业...更多>


Ira Kane: If I was a giant nasty alien bird in a department store, where would I be? Harry Block: Lingerie. Ira Kane: Not you, the bird. Harry Block: Lingerie. Ira Kane: Give me back my friend, you big sphincter! [Dr. Paulson is going to pull the alien bug out through Harry's rectum] Nurse Tate: I'll get the lubricant... Dr. Paulson: No time for lubricant! Harry Block: There's ALWAYS time for lubricant! Ira Kane: Ira Kane, head of the science department, Glen Canyon Community College. Harry Block: Harry Block, United States Geological Survey. Wayne Grey: Wayne Grey. I took some chemistry in high school. [the heroes just killed a dinosaur-like creature] Ira Kane: So, what do you want? Light meat, or dark? Harry Block: You have to ask? Harry Block: So, do they give the Nobel Prize out in yearly payments or is it just one lump sum, like the lottery? Ira Kane: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Harry Block: Oh, I'm not getting ahead of myself. I've very concerned about the potential tax consequences. [an alien bug is crawling inside Block's leg] Dr. Allison Reed: What are you gonna do? Dr. Paulson: We might have to amputate. Harry Block: Whoa, Doc! Don't take the leg! Ira, don't let them take my leg. Ira Kane: Isn't there anything else you can do? He thinks he's an athlete. Nurse Tate: Doctor, look! Dr. Paulson: It's headed for his testicles. Harry Block: Take it! Take it! Take the leg! Wayne Grey: [as they arm themselves in the sporting goods store] You ever use one of these things before? Harry Block: Just 'cause I'm a schoolteacher, that don't make me a pussy. Ira Kane: Ladies, ladies, there's a terrifying alien bird menacing the mall. Can we focus?


Ira Kane


: [after an alien fly is pulled out of Harry's rectum] You should have seen the size of that thing you had inside you, it was like this! [measures with his hands] Ira Kane: You took it like a man. Harry Block: Great googa-mooga! Wayne Grey: [trying to get the alien's attention with an open mike] Ka Ka! Tukki Tukki! Harry Block: Wayne, I think we've established that "Ka Ka" and "Tukki Tukki" don't work. Wayne Grey: Right. Sorry. [He starts singing into the mike] Wayne Grey: You are so beautiful, to me... Ira Kane: Step back, Harry, I'm gonna shoot him. Harry Block: Uh-uh, stand down! I'm taking this one out myself. Wayne Grey: Can't you see... Harry Block: Wayne, would you please stop, because you are embarrasing me. [Wayne starts singing louder and directly to Harry] Harry Block: Testing, testing, one, two, one-one-one-two... this is D.J. Harry Block here, and I'm an Aquarius... Ira Kane: Harry, would you stop it? I can hear you. Harry Block: Don't you snap at me, unless you want an angry solid gold dancer on your hands, Ira. Ira Kane: You wouldn't understand. Dr. Allison Reed: No, how could I? I'm just a humorless ice maiden in desperate need of a good humping. Ira Kane: Oh... you heard that, huh? Dr. Allison Reed: Loud and clear. [after an alien bug crawls into his body] Harry Block: For the love of everything good and holy, get this goddamn thing out of me! Nadine: I really need these credits to get into nursing school. Harry Block: Nursing school? Don't you think you'd be happier in a different profession, one where people's lives were NOT dependent on you? Dr. Allison Reed: I would've rocked your world. Ira Kane: You already have. [Harry has just had an alien removed rectally] Dr. Allison Reed: It's over, it's over. You did great! Do you need anything? Can we get you anything? Harry Block: Ice cream... I'd like an ice cream please. Dr. Allison Reed: Okay, what flavor? Harry Block: It doesn't matter. It's for my ass. Harry Block: Shouldn't we call the government to help us out on this? Ira Kane: Absolutely not! I know those people. Harry Block: Liar Liar Pants On Fire!




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