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Let's Get Skase

Let's Get Skase (2001) 5.3

2001-10-18(澳大利亚)| 喜剧| 澳大利亚
上映时间:2001-10-18(澳大利亚) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

英文简短剧情:   Christopher Skase was a white collar fugitive until Australia decided to launch an unofficial chase to get Skase. The man who owne...更多>


Peter Dellasandro: What, are you kidding me? We're Australian! We're goin' over there to get the money back, and we're going to drink all his booze while we're at it! Peter Dellasandro: What, are you kidding me? We're Australian! Skase is throwing a party, right? We're goin' over there to get all the money back, and we're gonna drink all his booze while we're at it!


Eric Carney


: Dick, don't go soft on me now. Peter Dellasandro: Let's something straight here Eric, I created you, I invented your past. You took what I created... and turned it into this 'Debt Collector' bullshit! Eric Carney: That's because 'The Bodyguard' wasn't working out. Peter Dellasandro: Bullshit! Every week you had to save the live of a celebrity. Why do you think we had Gary Coleman, doing 'Different Strokes' out here, he was a great kid! Eric Carney: Exactly, who'd wanna kill him? Peter Dellasandro: EVERYBODY!

Let's Get Skase

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