
莉齐.麦奎尔 (2001) 5.0

"Lizzie McGuire"

2001-01-12(美国)| 喜剧 家庭| 美国
上映时间:2001-01-12(美国) 类型: 喜剧 家庭
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(2003年)   提名:2
评分: 力荐

The show is about growing up, in the beginning Lizzie and Miranda (played by: Hilary Duff, and Lalaine Vergara-Paras) buy their first bras. ...更多>


Jo McGuire: Well, I can't speak for Lanny. Sam McGuire: Somebody's got to. Lizzie: Time for go to bed. [Hall-monitor Matt writes up a teacher] Teacher: Surely you must be joking... Matt: No, and uh, don't call me Shirley! Miranda: [Interrupting Lizzie] You weren't thinking about putting Ethan and Larry in the same sentence? Gordo: You just did. Gordo: [to Lizzie] Parents scrape and sacrifice to provide us with shelter, support and guidance, and in return, we have as little to do with them as possible. It's nature's law. Miranda: Yeah. It's like you come home and they ask, "What did you do today?" and we say "Mmm, nothing." And they ask, "Well, what are you doing tonight?" 'n we say, "I dunno!" And they ask, "Why don't you ever talk to us?" We say, "Why can't you just leave me alone!" And you run upstairs. Gordo: As little communication as possible. It prepares us for marriage. Gordo: Yeah, well, there's lots of weird stuff in this world - tofu bacon, hairless cats, country music. Miranda: You smell like a... a pine tree. Gordo: That's because I'm wearing a car air freshener. [he takes it out from under his T-shirt and shows it to her]


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