
  • Leonard Marliston: Cindy, come on, I think it's important in time like this, we offer each other some support. Cindy: I'd like to offer the killer's ass some support... in the fucking electric chair. Cindy: This is Ben's pathetic concept of cool, is to pretend he's not afraid. Ben: Well hello Cindy Freud, what's your concept of being cool, Doc? Banging the whole entire senior class starting with A? [about Sharon] Jody Marken: Think she goes all the way? Sandy: Doubt it, who'd wanna fuck her? Ben: She thinks fellatio is a character in Shakespeare. Cindy: Girls have to do everything. Boys are totally clueless when it comes to sex. It starts with them trying to unhook our bras, fumbling around, and it never changes. Wait until they try to put their dick into you. Diana: Please don't say they need help with that. Cindy: Always. 1st father: What are we supposed to tell our kids? 2nd father: Tell them to go out and get laid so they can feel safe? Sheriff Brent Marken: No, I'm not saying that. 3rd father: I can't lock my daughter up in the basement. 2nd father: I wouldn't worry about it Victor. Leonard Marliston: Ben, I know you have a very different point of view on this tragedy, so go ahead. Ben: Well, I would like to know if this killer removed any body parts or sexually defiled any orifice of the victim. Cindy: You're tragically sick. Ben: I wanna know because if he didn't, this loser deserves a thumbs down! Heather: How can you be so insensitive? Ben: Oh what, when you're like Mother Teresa? You're the one who told him to drop dead. Dylan: You're only fooling yourself with this display of indifference. Ben: Hey jackhole, you're not playing DeathQuake now, *this* is the real world! Dylan: Fuck you. Students: Hail, Hail, Virgin high, drop your pants its fuck or die! Timmy: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 34 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Holy hymens, Batman - they're killing virgins! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • da9 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Dylan: Annette, it's always a compliment when a guys says you can suck a mean dick. Annette: You're a shit-sucking liar! Dylan: It's better than a cock-sucking liar! Sherrif Brent Marken: You know what happened! Leonard Marliston: I can't remember this part of the story so tell us what happened. Heather: One time in the eight grade, I told Rod to fuck off and die. Leonard Marliston: Why are you looking at me like that Kenny? Kenny Ascott: Why are you wearing lipstick? Leonard Marliston: [pulls out a knife] 'Cause it makes me look beautiful! Leonard Marliston: You never knew she loved you oh how could you. She never had the nerve to approach you before you raped her. And after you rapped her, there was no one left to tell... except me [flashback depicting Leonard as a child being whipped] Leonard Marliston: over and over. It's very difficult to look like the one person your mom loves and hates the most. We have the same colour eyes Sheriff Brent Marken: No Leonard Marliston: [Close up of Leonard's eye then Brent's] Dad Sheriff Brent Marken: No No No No Leonard Marliston: It's a stinking hypocritical world isn't it Brent where rapists become pillars in the community. With stinking hypocritical people in it who wouldn't even miss their own worthless befouled lives very much. So so so what better way than to deprive them of the only innocence they have left! [flashback to one of his earlier killings] Leonard Marliston: Their precious virginal children Jody Marken: [Screaming to the students] IT'S MR. MARLISTON... HE'S THE KILLER! Leonard Marliston: [Showing up right behind her] CLASS DISSMISSED! [Jody is helping Mr. Marliston carry a heavy clothing trunk] Jody Marken: [grunting] This trunk is heavy! What's in it? Leonard Marliston: Your father. And maybe mine. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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