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  • : My name's Daniel. Isa: Isa... So, Daniel. Where are you from? Daniel Bannier: Hamburg. Isa: Hamburg! I got an aunt who lives in Hamburg. How do you earn a living? Daniel Bannier: I'm a student teacher... I'm gonna be a teacher. Isa: A teacher?... You? Daniel Bannier: Yeah. Isa: Shit kiddo. You sure don't look like a teacher. Daniel Bannier: How do I look. Isa: Don't know. More like a bum... Going to the fucking south?... To the Turk country, man! Daniel Bannier: Oh, I see. Yeah. Isa: Going on vacation? Daniel Bannier: Nope. I'm after a girl. Isa: Your wife? Daniel Bannier: Nope. Isa: You're in love. Cool! Tell me about it. Daniel Bannier: It's quite a long story. Isa: Hey, we got a long way to go, man. Juli: You look like you could use some luck. Daniel Bannier: A bag would do. Juli: [holds out a ring] What's this? Daniel Bannier: A sun. Juli: What's a sun. Daniel Bannier: It's a ball of gas which the Earth and 8 other planets revolve around. Juli: The sun lights up life: for me, for her, and for you. Another word for light is? Daniel Bannier: Energy? Juli: It's good luck. Daniel Bannier: I see. The ring is a lucky charm. Juli: You're very smart. Daniel Bannier: I'll be a teacher soon. Juli: A teacher? Really? That's funny. What's your name. Daniel Bannier: Daniel. Daniel Bannier. Juli: That's a nice name. Daniel Bannier: What's your name Juli: I'm July? Daniel Bannier: Like the month. Juli: What about the ring? It's a very old Mayan ring. The legend says whoever wears the ring can recognize happiness. You will soon meet a girl wearing the same sun that you have. She is the only person destined to bring you happiness. Marion: July? Juli: Yes. Marion: What was that? Juli: That was Daniel Bannier. Marion: Yeah, sure. But what's so special about him? Juli: He has something deep inside waiting to get out. Marion: Like what? Daniel Bannier: Hi! Juli: You made it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daniel Bannier 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Nice to see you. Juli: Where's your date. Daniel Bannier: My darling, I've traveled thousands of miles, I've crossed rivers and moved mountains. I've suffered and endured agonies. I've resisted temptation, and I've followed the sun, so that I could stand before you and tell you I love you. Daniel Bannier: Ok, we'll play the old game. The first person to stop decides where we go, ok? Juli: Want me to tell you something? [Daniel nods] Juli: I love you. Daniel Bannier: What? Juli: I love you. Daniel Bannier: It's funny but I'm not sure I heard that right... Juli: I love you. Daniel Bannier: I said that it's difficult to understand you. Juli: I LOVE YOU! Daniel Bannier: That's how it has to sound. Isa: Hey, you two lovebirds! Where to? Daniel Bannier: To the fucking south! Isa: Ok, get in. Daniel Bannier: [after getting arrested] This is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Now it's all over with! Forever! And why? Because the guy who picked me up has a corpse in his trunk! Just imagine! A corpse! Is that your hobby? Isa: Shut up! Daniel Bannier: I'm not gonna shut up, ok? Isa: Don't work me up! Daniel Bannier: Will your pants burst or what? Isa: Listen here, you prick! I don't wanna hear more than 20 words from you till we get to Istanbul! Ok? Daniel Bannier: Ok, you can have 'em right away: Asshole! Asshole! Asshole...! Daniel Bannier: What's that? Juli: [chuckling] The border. The Danube. Daniel Bannier: What's so funny? It's real funny, huh? Real funny. Terribly funny. Juli: Calm down. Daniel Bannier: No! It's all your fault! Juli: My fault? Daniel Bannier: Your fault! Juli: Why is it my fault? Daniel Bannier: Because all this shit is your fault! If I'd taken the ferry from Bari, I'd be in Instanbul now instead of a pit like this! Juli: Bari! Without me you'd never get to Bari! You'd still be in Bavaria! Who helped you cross the border? Who stole the car? Daniel Bannier: And who sold me this stupid ring? If I hadn't bought this stupid ring, I'd still be in Hamburg... reading on my balcony! And I wouldn't be here! Juli: Then go back home to the Elbe! Read a newspaper or a book! Just go back to your old dull life! Daniel Bannier: You just don't want me to meet her. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daniel Bannier 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [stealing a car] You know what you're doing, don't you? Juli: [nods] Daniel Bannier: You got it? [Juli pulls out a camera and takes a picture of him] Daniel Bannier: What are you doing? Juli: It was here. Daniel Bannier: Hurry up, damn it! [Juli tries to start the noise and the car makes bad noises] Daniel Bannier: Hey! Are you crazy you're going to break everything! Juli: Trust me, ok? Daniel Bannier: Ok, ok... Juli: Ouch! Daniel Bannier: Did you hurt yourself? Juli: No, I'm ok. Daniel Bannier: Oh, damn! Don't move. I think someone's looking. Oh shit! He's looking this way... Keep cool. Juli: Isn't this romantic? Daniel Bannier: What? Juli: I never stole a car with anyone before. Daniel Bannier: Juli, do me a favor and start this car, so we can get outta here! Please! Juli: Ok. [starts the car] Juli: Well, what did I tell you. Daniel Bannier: Unbelievable! Juli: Give me five! Daniel Bannier: You're the best! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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