
  • Tex Cowley: She had a boyfriend before me who was in with the mob, and she testified against him and, you know, he didn't take it too kindly... So we came out to Texas, eh, primarily for the air... Actually, we, eh, we wanted to keep breathing it... Father Leo: I'm sure the Virgin was wearing turquoise nail polish. Father Leo: Senora, please, please. This is the house of God, there is no screaming or jumping for joy here. Tex: What's the matter with you? Am I gonna have to start slippin' Prozac in to your Alpo? Tex: Have you ever operated heavy machinery while taking anit-histamines? Bobo: Women... you can't live with 'em... and you can't shoot 'em. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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