"Troma's Edge TV" (2000)

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  • 喜剧  动作  冒险
"Troma's Edge TV"


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  • Host: There is no "Me" in the Troma Team... well, Unless you scramble the letters. The Naked Cowboy: The student's becoming the master! The Naked Cowboy: You have been working against us this entire time! Toxie: What are you talking about? We haven't done anything! Lloyd's Incest Daughter: Daddy! Daddy! I love you, Daddy! Lloyd Kaufman: No.. that's Uncle Lloydie, sweetheart.. Uncle Lloydie. T.I.T. Announcer: I would tell you the answer to this week's T.I.T. of the week, but I'm too stoned to remember. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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