
肮脏的生命 (2000) 5.9

Sordid Lives

2000-05-25(加拿大)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2000-05-25(加拿大) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

  描述一个在加州小镇WHITE TRASH家庭的故事,开始于一个祖母级的女人PEGGY跟邻居装假肢的丈夫偷情,结果。却在宾馆洗澡出来之后不小心踩到假肢跌到致死。这个女人的葬礼,把剧中家庭的成员集合在一起,这个女人有两个女儿一个儿子。其中大女儿和那个偷情被被判的老婆是好...更多>


Dr. Eve: You have got to get over this Tammy Wynette fixation! Brother Boy: Well, someone's got to carry on her legacy now that she's gone! Dr. Eve: You've been doing this for twenty-three years! What was your excuse before she died? Brother Boy: My mind's a blank. Noleta: We just finished watching "Thelma and Louise", and we're pissed! LaVonda: At men! Ain't that right, Louise? Noleta: No, I'm Thelma! LaVonda: I thought I was Thelma. Noleta: No, Thelma was the one with the shitty husband! Brother Boy: Ohhhkaayyyyyyy Brother Boy: Well I did it. I walked all the way down that hall with one less piece of female attire... that is, if you consider a wig attire. Sissy: I don't care, quite frankly! I am tryin' to quit smokin'! And the two of you are gettin' on my nerves! Brother Boy: Shoot her in the head Wardell! Brother Boy: I think you are just an evil, bitter OLD, alcoholic sex FIEND who needs therapy yourself! Brother Boy: Now if you'll PLEASE excuse me... .I have a show to do. Sissy: Good Lawd Latrelle. Don't you know better than to sneak up on someone when they're tawkin' to a corpse? Sissy: [smoking and talking to her dead sister's corpse] Hey. Guess you don't mind if I smoke. It has not been a good day sister. And I blame YOU... You turn on a LIGHT when you go to the bathroom... If you are going to have affairs you have GOT to be more careful! Of course, this is all useless information for you now. Vera Lisso: $32.09, $32.09, $32.09, $32.09... Sissy: [as she looks at a card on the flowers in the church after paying last respects to her sister] "Jesus called, Peggy answered... Awwwwwwwww"


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