鬼灵精跳街舞 (2000)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  喜剧  恐怖
  • 片       名鬼灵精跳街舞
  • 上映时间2000年03月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 Rob Spera


  • Leprechaun: A friend with weed is a friend indeed, but a friend with gold is the best I'm told. Leprechaun: I'll take it from you, homie, you'll see, cause you know the Leprechaun is the real O.G. Mack Daddy: [On the phone] Hey you, you listen to me. You don't wanna fuck with me, okay? I hope you had sex last night, 'cause I'm gonna come over there and I'm gonna cut off your dick, then I'm gonna feed it to my pit, then I'm gonna burn the shit when it comes out my goddam dog's ass, you hear me? Don't fuck with me, bitch! [after first seeing Leprechaun] Butch: What the fuck is that? Stray Bullet: I don't know, Chucky on crack? Shoot that motherfucker! Mack Daddy: We need to change a few things. I ain't with that "save the fucking hood" bullshit, "treat your girl right", that shit is wack. All right? This label, we rap about Uzis, blowing motherfuckers' heads off. Know what I'm saying? "Smack your bitch up", "Shoot your motherfucking homeboy in the face", type shit. All right? Mack Daddy: Get the fuck outta here! You motherfuckers are wasting my time. I got chumps lined up around the corner trying to get down with this label, alright? You get no second fucking chance. Now get the fuck out. Stray Bullet: Listen, Mack, we wanna do this. Mack Daddy: What's the matter wit you, kid? You deaf? Or you just dumb like your mamas, I got to come over there and bitch slap you like I used to do her. Stray Bullet: Hey, let me tell you something... Mack Daddy: Check yourself, kid. Don't even fuck around. Just get out of here before I get you and your motherfucking home boys fucked up. This is real here, Kid. Get these fucking losers out. Postmaster P: [singing] Jesus loves me. This I know. Stray Bullet: [singing] If he don't, I'll find a ho... [Congregation groans] Postmaster P: His mama's name was Mary Jo... Stray Bullet: And his disciples was some bad mo-fo... [Congregation groans] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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