"Between the Lions" (2000)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭  奇幻
  • 剧       情
    Lions Theo and Cleo and their cubs Lionel and Leona have many adventures at their library. Usually surrounding the many books within. Whethe...


  • Cleo: You know, Theo, I never get tired of telling people about our funders. Theo: Me neither. I could do it at least once every day. Cleo: We do. Theo: Oh yeah, right. We do. Click: I had nothing to do with this. Cleo: Then why are you wearing a pig nose? Click: Um... Evolution? Cleo: Leona, now you know your dad will be here to take care of you and I'll only be gone for a couple of days. Leona: I know, Mama, it's okay. Cleo: Okay. I'm gonna go start packing now. I love you, Leona. Leona: I love you, Mama. [Theo has accidentally scared Leona with a mask he had made] Theo: Oh Leona, oh baby I'm sorry. Daddy's so sorry. Oh, I terrified my little girl. What kind of father am I? Lionel: I don't know. What kind of father are you? Cleo: A very good father. That's what kind. Lionel: Dad, if it's any consolation, I thought it would work too. Cliff Hanger Singers: [singing] Cliff Hanger/ Hanging from a cliff/ And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger. Cliff Hanger: Can't... Hold... On... Much... LONGER! Cliff Hanger Singers: [singing] Black Stapler/ It staples and it's black/ And that's why its called Black Stapler. Artie Smartypants: Oobracadoobra! Lionel: So, do you still like meatsicles? Lenny Lizard: You bet! Um, do you still like making dinosaurs out of cheese wax? Lionel: Every day! Lenny Lizard: Lionel!! Lionel: Lenny!! [They hug] Leona: ...And they both still like boring books. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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