Is It Fall Yet? (2000)

  • 美国 韩国
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  • 动画  喜剧
Is It Fall Yet?
  • 片       名Is It Fall Yet?
  • 上映时间2000年08月27日(美国)
  • 导       演 Karen Dish...Guy Moore


  • Brittany Taylor: Oh, Mack, something terrible has happened! Michael Jordan 'Mack' Mackenzie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Don't worry, the sun's not gone. It's just hiding behind the clouds. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • David Sorenson: Hi, I'm David Sorenson! Are you Quinn? Daria Morgendorffer: I don't know, is this the ninth circle of hell? David Sorenson: "The Divine Comedy." Daria Morgendorffer: Wait, you know that? OK, who are you and what do want with Quinn? David Sorenson: I'm here to tutor her. Daria Morgendorffer: Seriously. Helen: Oh, Jakey, do you realize what a momentous summer our girls have had? Quinn learned she's smarter than she thought, and Daria has her first boyfriend. Jake: It's summer already? Mr. DeMartino: Why couldn't I have been born during an influenza epidemic? Or at the base of a volcano? Why did I survive, grow tall and strong, only to squander all my potential by becoming a teacher? Daria Morgendorffer: Trent... does it ever bother you that the speedometer is stuck at ten miles per hour? Trent: Hmm... ten. That reminds me; time for dinner. Helen Barksdale Morgendorffer: Daria, I'm serious, I'm not going to let you sit around the house all summer. Daria Morgendorffer: Fine, I'll LIE around the house all summer. David Sorenson: I see here that you took European History last year. I guess there's no need repeating that. Quinn Morgendorffer: Oh yeah, Napoleon, Waterworld, the A la Carta... Helen Barksdale Morgendorffer: Daria, you need to be more tolerant. You know what they say, 'judge and be judged'. Daria Morgendorffer: And I judge myself unfit for human contact. Helen Barksdale Morgendorffer: That's exactly what you *will* be if you don't learn to interact with the rest of us. You keep hiding your real face behind that anti-social mask, and one day that mask will be your face. I'm not going to let that happen. You're working at that camp. Daria Morgendorffer: I have something to tell you two. Tom's not my brother. Kevin Thompson: A-ha! Daria Morgendorffer: He is the mad scientist who built me. He has to hang around in case my internal organs fall out. Daria Morgendorffer: Um, will you excuse us for a while? We'll be back after man walks on the sun. Alison: Why go to an artist's colony if you're not going to mingle with your fellow artists? Jane Lane: That's like saying 'why go to a PENAL colony if you're not gonna mingle with your - ' I think I'll stop there. David Sorenson: Steinbeck was perhaps best known for his poignant novel about the Oakies... Tiffany Blum-Deckler: [applying make up] uuuuh-huuuuh... David Sorenson: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • ...a heavy metal band famous for having a baboon on bass. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tiffany Blum-Deckler: uuuuh-huuuuh... David Sorenson: But when the workers stormed the Bastille, they only found seven prisoners and one of THEM was the Marquis de Sade. Quinn Morgendorffer: Eww. David Sorenson: That's more or less the way THEY felt. Jane Lane: Uh-oh, don't look now but it's 'Toulouse Lau-dreck'. Daria Morgendorffer: [after talking to her sister] That's it. Must... contact... intelligent... life... Jane Lane: Daria! Daria Morgendorffer: How are things going? Jane Lane: Fine! Fine! Fine! Couldn't be better! Daria Morgendorffer: Sucks, huh? Jane Lane: Only in a mind numbingly pretentious way. Jane Lane: Some day the curators will look back on these and say they're from my 'art colonies suck' period. Daria Morgendorffer: [sceptical] "Curators"? Jane Lane: Criminologists? Homeless Man: This soup bites! Jodie Abigail Landon: Then DON'T have a fourth bowl. Jane Lane: The guys here are a lot better looking in person than on their wanted posters. Quinn Morgendorffer: So David was right. I AM superficial. Daria Morgendorffer: At least you know your strengths. Trent: [singing] Betryal, yeah, stabbed in the back. Betrayal, yeah, I'm stretched on the rack. Betryal, yeah, thrown outa the... thrown outa the... Daria Morgendorffer: Pack? Trent: [singing] thrown outa the pack. Betrayal, betrayal. Yeah, betrayal, betrayal, yeah... Jane Lane: Any kid who looks to you for nurturing is more than just lost. Ms. Li: [over the school intercom] Welcome back students. And remember, the school nurse is in and ready to take your voluntary urine samples. Show your Lawndale High spirit with the gift of urine. Sandi Griffin, Quinn Morgendorffer, Tiffany Blum-Deckler, Stacy Rowe: Ewwww! Daria Morgendorffer: I'm sorry, but the confidentiality agreement I signed with the Government prevents me revealing that. I've already said too much. Quinn Morgendorffer: But that's not fair. I didn't have time to study with my Fashion Club duties. Don't extracurricular activities count for anything? Mr. Timothy O'Neill: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Now remember, the P-STATs are a good "dry run" for your college boards. If you got 1,200 points or better, kudos! You'll have a wide and exciting choice of colleges. And for those with less, uh, robust scores, there are still wonderful opportunities in the food services sector. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daria Morgendorffer: Does this college town have a name or do you just turn left at the kid with the tractor? Daria Morgendorffer: Life sucks no matter where you are so don't be fooled by location changes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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