Hit and Runway (1999)

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Hit and Runway
  • 片       名Hit and Runway
  • 上映时间1999年04月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 Christophe...


  • Elliot Springer: It's Hopeless. Alex Andero: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Hopeless is not a word in my vocabulary. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Elliot Springer: I suspect that there are a lot of words that aren't in your vocabulary. Elliot Springer: I'm not the type of man who inspires lust. I bought a dildo once and it lost it's erection. Elliot Springer: I'm not doing this for Ray Tilman. I've had too many friends trying to please idiots like Ray Tilman. Even the one's who buy big houses. They still end up living in little tiny closets. Bartender: [wearing nothing but powder blue lame shorts] What would you like, darling? Alex: I'd like you to put some clothes on. Elliott: You don't understand. Joey is gorgeous. I am... funny-looking. In the gay world, there's a caste system no less rigid than the Hindus'. It would be like a Brahmin dating an untouchable. Bob: Alex, your hero? Does he have a name? Alex: He's... you know... an undercover cop... typical... Bob: No, no. There is no such thing as a typical cop. In the original "Diehard," the cop is defined by an urgent need to reconcile with his wife. In, in "Dirty Harry," you have a bitter vigilante who has to find redemption in an Orwellian nightmare of thwarted individualism. Alex (puzzled): Tony. His name is Tony. Alex Andero: If you believe, the world will believe with you. I read that in a book. Elliot Springer: What book is that? "Mein Kampf"? Elliot Springer: [talking about Ray Tilman] Alex, you want to be a writer? A real writer? That man in there is the Anti-Christ. He's Satan with psoriasis. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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