
  • Sean Devine: Work is the death of freedom as we know it. Jack Woods: You're - you're... Seamus Muldoon: A Leprechaun. Wet Leprechaun. Leader of the Kerry Leprechauns. Seamus Maldoon, at your wet service. Mary Muldoon: [invisible] What in the Grand Banshee's name do you think you're doing? Seamus Muldoon: What's it look like; I'm talking to the man. Mary Muldoon: Are you mad, as well as stupid? Seamus Muldoon: I have to! He saved me! Mary Muldoon: He *saved* you? Seamus Muldoon: Gallantly, I have to say. And not at all for himself. [Jack stumbles outside] Mary Muldoon: [appears inside] You were drunk! Seamus Muldoon: Of *course* I was drunk... I hate water! Jack Woods: [cut to outside] Just calm down, Jack. Get - a grip. It's just jetlag. Mary Muldoon: [cut to inside] And you *let* him save you? Seamus Muldoon: I didn't ask him, Mary, he just did it! Mary Muldoon: That's no excuse! You could have had the decency to drown! Jack Woods: [outside] ... hangover... bump on the head... You're fine. Mary Muldoon: I'm Mary Maldoon... Jack Woods: Oh, give me a break! [turns, sees Leprechauns] Mary Muldoon: ...Seamus' wife for my sins. Of which there must have been hundreds to have such a terrible fate! Seamus Muldoon: They say that married men live longer than single ones. It only *seems* like that. Sean Devine: [He is dying, dispappearing up to his waist] Look - I'm only half the man I was! Seamus Muldoon: [glancing at Jack's photo of Kathleen] Ah, isn't she a magnificent woman? Mary Muldoon: She's pretty enough - in an ugly, human kind of a way. They'd make a fine couple. [they laugh] Jack Woods: OK, OK, *thank* you! Jericho O'Grady: [the Leprechauns are trapped by the palace balcony, persued by Fairies] What do we do now? Sean Devine: [sarcastically] Try to remember how to fly. [turns, sees Mickey floating in mid-air] Sean Devine: Mickey! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I... I dunno how I'm doing it. Sean Devine: I hate to be the one to tell you this, Mickey-lad, but you're in love. Mickey Muldoon: [vaguely] Really? Sean Devine: Well, that's the sign. Mickey Muldoon: Is that a fact? Sean Devine: [the Fairies are approaching] Grab him before he comes to his senses! Mickey Muldoon: [dreamily] I met this girl... Princess Jessica. Seamus Muldoon: Princess Jessica - King Boric's daughter! Mickey Muldoon: Oh, she's an angel, with the face! Seamus Muldoon: Oh, no, no, no, no, no - listen - You leave her be! I don't want that sort of trouble! Mary Maldoon, this is your fault! Jack - will you tell him to listen to his father? Jack Woods: Why? I never did. Seamus Muldoon: Neither did I; that's not point! Mary Muldoon: So he's told you, has he? You're his father, speak to him! Seamus Muldoon: Mickey Maldoon, you listen to me: You stay away from that girl, or I'll disown you! Mickey Muldoon: How can you disown me; you don't own anything. Mary Muldoon: Don't speak to your father like that! Mickey Muldoon: What, you do! Jack Woods: That's expected - I'm his wife! And don't speak to *me* like that! Seamus Muldoon: Yes, don't speak to her like that! Mickey Muldoon: Well, who'm I expected to speak to like that, then? Seamus Muldoon: Now you're speaking to me like that. Mickey Muldoon: But she started speaking to *me* like that... [fade] Bert Bagnell: The race will be one circle to the track, to that there flag! And try not to cheat too much! Jack Woods: [Seamus and Mickey appear in his buggy while he's racing] What're you doing here? Seamus Muldoon: We thought you might like a hand. Mickey Muldoon: Oh, don't worry, Mr. Woods, the old Leprechaun magic'll do the tirck. Jack Woods: Great! Tell me what to do! [beat] Seamus Muldoon: Get closer to the others! Jack Woods: Got a father who runs a cab company, got a mother who runs my father. Queen Morag: Don't be such a drama Fairy, Chamberlain. Jack Woods: I'm sorry, Kathleen, but I'm leaving on the evening train. Kathleen Fitzpatrick: This evening? George Fitzpatrck: Good riddance. Kathleen Fitzpatrick: George?... Could you go, please? John Fitzpatrick: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You going somewhere, George; can I go with you? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • George Fitzpatrck: Not me, him. John Fitzpatrick: I don't wanna go with him. George Fitzpatrck: No one asked you! Bert Bagnell: [immediately after Jack hits his head on a rafter] Mind the beam. Jack Woods: Oh, boy, this house was built for little people. Bert Bagnell: Uh, no, it's not! Not at all! Mary Muldoon: [to Jack] You're soaking wet. I'll get you a towel. Seamus Muldoon: Hey, what about me? Mary Muldoon: *You* can get pneumonia! Mary Muldoon: Where are you going? Mickey Muldoon: Oh, just to do some mischief. Mary Muldoon: That's all right, then. Sean Devine: I was looking out for Count Grogan. Barney Devine: May his Fairy bones rot! Sean Devine: I thought I could drop on him all quiet-like, you know, for a little flattering. Barney Devine: I'll flatter him, quiet or not! Sean Devine: Your brother talks a good fight, Jericho. Jericho O'Grady: If *talking* was all it took, he'd be Heavyweight Champion of all Ireland! Seamus Muldoon: That's a very energetic way of doing the weeding, Jack. Jack Woods: Seamus. I'm not gardening, I'm practicing my swing. Seamus Muldoon: Your swing? Jack Woods: Yeah. Yeah, my golf swing. You know, this whole area, this'd make a perfect golf course, don't you think? Seamus Muldoon: No doubt, no doubt about it... I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. [Micky kisses Princess Jessica] Princess Jessica: [gasps] How dare you? Mickey Muldoon: Oh, I dare, Princess Jessica; I dare! Princess Jessica: Come back here at once, and apologize! Mickey Muldoon: Oh, you must be joking? Well, you'll have to catch me first! And no flying! Princess Jessica: You think a Princess can't run? Mickey Muldoon: [long pause] NO! [she chases him up the stairs] [Mickey cuts in on a dance between Princess Jessica and another fairy] Princess Jessica: Hello! [pause] Princess Jessica: And what are you staring at? Mickey Muldoon: The fairest beauty that ever stood before the eyes of a man since Helen danced her willing way on the wondering walls of Troy! Princess Jessica: It's only a gift of words that you shower me, but I have to say that they shine! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Oh you shine, Princess Mine, you shine! [of the berries on a bush] Jack Woods: Are these things clean? Kathleen Fitzpatrick: Yeah, oh yeah, they're clean. [pause] Kathleen Fitzpatrick: Poisonious, but clean. Jack Woods: That's very funny, I'm just not used to eating anything without an experation date. Kathleen Fitzpatrick: Oh, go on Jack! Why don't you take a walk on the wild side! Jack Woods: [throws a berry up in the air and catches it with his mouth, making Kathleen laugh] Those are good! Kathleen Fitzpatrick: Yeah... Jack Woods: Those are really good. It's better than in the store. [shoves more berries in his mouth] Mickey Muldoon: Come away with me. Princess Jessica: I can't! Mickey Muldoon: We can do anything! [they kiss] Jericho O'Grady: [sees his brother bound by a pair of Fairies outside the bar he was gaurding] Aw, Barney! Barney O'Grady: Don't worry, lads. I've got them where I want them. Count Grogan: [flies in] Ah, Maldoon. What a coincidence finding you here. Mickey Muldoon: I don't want any trouble, Grogan. Let Barney go. Count Grogan: You might not *want* trouble, but that's what you've got. [Mickey flips over him but he follows suit to stand in front of him again] Count Grogan: You don't get away that easy. Mickey Muldoon: I'm not fighting. Count Grogan: Oh, you'll fight. Or your young friend here has done his last spell of gaurding. Sean Devine: Is that a fact? Well, I'm happy to oblige you. Jericho O'Grady: And so am I. Count Grogan: My fight is with Maldoon here. Sean Devine: Ah, well. As much as it grieves me to watch another Leprechaun have all the fun. [handing him a spear] Sean Devine: Go for it, Mickey me boy. Little Maurice here is begging for it. Count Grogan: DON'T call me Maurice! Sean Devine: Oh, well then, I won't. Maurice. Jericho O'Grady: [laughing] And niether will I - Maurice! Barney O'Grady: Maurice, Maurice, Maurice! Sean Devine: Give him a taste of Leprechaun justice, Mickey me lad. Mickey Muldoon: I'm not fighting, Seanie. [to Grogan] Mickey Muldoon: Let him go. [he tries to walk off but Sean stops him] Sean Devine: That girl has unmanned you. Count Grogan: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • He's a yellow-belly. He was coward's legs, like all Leprechauns. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sean Devine: That's it. Enough's enough. No more Mr. Nice Leprechaun. Oh, I'll show you coward's legs. *And* arms. Mickey Muldoon: Don't do it; it's what he wants! Sean Devine: Well, there's the thing. It's what I want, too! [he draws his spear and Grogan's appears in his hand] Barney O'Grady: If you need any help, Sean, I'm right here for ya. Sean Devine: Good man. [they fight] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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