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- 片 名魔幻帝国
- 上映时间1999年11月07日(美国)
- 导 演
Randy Quaid
饰Jack Woods
Whoopi Goldberg
饰The Grand Ban...
Colm Meany
饰Seamus Muldoo...
Kieran Culkin
饰Barney O'Grad...
Zoë Wanamaker
饰Mary Muldoon
Orla Brady
饰Kathleen Fitz...
Frank Finlay
饰General Bulst...
Phyllida Law
饰Lady Margaret
Michael Williams
饰Father Daley
Harriet Walter
饰Queen Morag
Sean Devine:
Work is the death of freedom as we know it.
Jack Woods:
You're - you're...
Seamus Muldoon:
A Leprechaun. Wet Leprechaun. Leader of the Kerry Leprechauns. Seamus Maldoon, at your wet service.
Mary Muldoon:
[invisible] What in the Grand Banshee's name do you think you're doing?
Seamus Muldoon:
What's it look like; I'm talking to the man.
Mary Muldoon:
Are you mad, as well as stupid?
Seamus Muldoon:
I have to! He saved me!
Mary Muldoon:
He *saved* you?
Seamus Muldoon:
Gallantly, I have to say. And not at all for himself.
[Jack stumbles outside]
Mary Muldoon:
[appears inside] You were drunk!
Seamus Muldoon:
Of *course* I was drunk... I hate water!
Jack Woods:
[cut to outside] Just calm down, Jack. Get - a grip. It's just jetlag.
Mary Muldoon:
[cut to inside] And you *let* him save you?
Seamus Muldoon:
I didn't ask him, Mary, he just did it!
Mary Muldoon:
That's no excuse! You could have had the decency to drown!
Jack Woods:
[outside] ... hangover... bump on the head... You're fine.
Mary Muldoon:
I'm Mary Maldoon...
Jack Woods:
Oh, give me a break!
[turns, sees Leprechauns]
Mary Muldoon:
...Seamus' wife for my sins. Of which there must have been hundreds to have such a terrible fate!
Seamus Muldoon:
They say that married men live longer than single ones. It only *seems* like that.
Sean Devine:
[He is dying, dispappearing up to his waist] Look - I'm only half the man I was!
Seamus Muldoon:
[glancing at Jack's photo of Kathleen] Ah, isn't she a magnificent woman?
Mary Muldoon:
She's pretty enough - in an ugly, human kind of a way. They'd make a fine couple.
[they laugh]
Jack Woods:
OK, OK, *thank* you!
Jericho O'Grady:
[the Leprechauns are trapped by the palace balcony, persued by Fairies] What do we do now?
Sean Devine:
[sarcastically] Try to remember how to fly.
[turns, sees Mickey floating in mid-air]
Sean Devine:
Mickey Muldoon
I... I dunno how I'm doing it.
Sean Devine:
I hate to be the one to tell you this, Mickey-lad, but you're in love.
Mickey Muldoon:
[vaguely] Really?
Sean Devine:
Well, that's the sign.
Mickey Muldoon:
Is that a fact?
Sean Devine:
[the Fairies are approaching] Grab him before he comes to his senses!
Mickey Muldoon:
[dreamily] I met this girl... Princess Jessica.
Seamus Muldoon:
Princess Jessica - King Boric's daughter!
Mickey Muldoon:
Oh, she's an angel, with the face!
Seamus Muldoon:
Oh, no, no, no, no, no - listen - You leave her be! I don't want that sort of trouble! Mary Maldoon, this is your fault! Jack - will you tell him to listen to his father?
Jack Woods:
Why? I never did.
Seamus Muldoon:
Neither did I; that's not point!
Mary Muldoon:
So he's told you, has he? You're his father, speak to him!
Seamus Muldoon:
Mickey Maldoon, you listen to me: You stay away from that girl, or I'll disown you!
Mickey Muldoon:
How can you disown me; you don't own anything.
Mary Muldoon:
Don't speak to your father like that!
Mickey Muldoon:
What, you do!
Jack Woods:
That's expected - I'm his wife! And don't speak to *me* like that!
Seamus Muldoon:
Yes, don't speak to her like that!
Mickey Muldoon:
Well, who'm I expected to speak to like that, then?
Seamus Muldoon:
Now you're speaking to me like that.
Mickey Muldoon:
But she started speaking to *me* like that...
Bert Bagnell:
The race will be one circle to the track, to that there flag! And try not to cheat too much!
Jack Woods:
[Seamus and Mickey appear in his buggy while he's racing] What're you doing here?
Seamus Muldoon:
We thought you might like a hand.
Mickey Muldoon:
Oh, don't worry, Mr. Woods, the old Leprechaun magic'll do the tirck.
Jack Woods:
Great! Tell me what to do!
Seamus Muldoon:
Get closer to the others!
Jack Woods:
Got a father who runs a cab company, got a mother who runs my father.
Queen Morag:
Don't be such a drama Fairy, Chamberlain.
Jack Woods:
I'm sorry, Kathleen, but I'm leaving on the evening train.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
This evening?
George Fitzpatrck:
Good riddance.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
George?... Could you go, please?
John Fitzpatrick:
You going somewhere, George; can I go with you?
George Fitzpatrck:
Not me, him.
John Fitzpatrick:
I don't wanna go with him.
George Fitzpatrck:
No one asked you!
Bert Bagnell:
[immediately after Jack hits his head on a rafter] Mind the beam.
Jack Woods:
Oh, boy, this house was built for little people.
Bert Bagnell:
Uh, no, it's not! Not at all!
Mary Muldoon:
[to Jack] You're soaking wet. I'll get you a towel.
Seamus Muldoon:
Hey, what about me?
Mary Muldoon:
*You* can get pneumonia!
Mary Muldoon:
Where are you going?
Mickey Muldoon:
Oh, just to do some mischief.
Mary Muldoon:
That's all right, then.
Sean Devine:
I was looking out for Count Grogan.
Barney Devine:
May his Fairy bones rot!
Sean Devine:
I thought I could drop on him all quiet-like, you know, for a little flattering.
Barney Devine:
I'll flatter him, quiet or not!
Sean Devine:
Your brother talks a good fight, Jericho.
Jericho O'Grady:
If *talking* was all it took, he'd be Heavyweight Champion of all Ireland!
Seamus Muldoon:
That's a very energetic way of doing the weeding, Jack.
Jack Woods:
Seamus. I'm not gardening, I'm practicing my swing.
Seamus Muldoon:
Your swing?
Jack Woods:
Yeah. Yeah, my golf swing. You know, this whole area, this'd make a perfect golf course, don't you think?
Seamus Muldoon:
No doubt, no doubt about it... I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
[Micky kisses Princess Jessica]
Princess Jessica:
[gasps] How dare you?
Mickey Muldoon:
Oh, I dare, Princess Jessica; I dare!
Princess Jessica:
Come back here at once, and apologize!
Mickey Muldoon:
Oh, you must be joking? Well, you'll have to catch me first! And no flying!
Princess Jessica:
You think a Princess can't run?
Mickey Muldoon:
[long pause] NO!
[she chases him up the stairs]
[Mickey cuts in on a dance between Princess Jessica and another fairy]
Princess Jessica:
Princess Jessica:
And what are you staring at?
Mickey Muldoon:
The fairest beauty that ever stood before the eyes of a man since Helen danced her willing way on the wondering walls of Troy!
Princess Jessica:
It's only a gift of words that you shower me, but I have to say that they shine!
Mickey Muldoon
Oh you shine, Princess Mine, you shine!
[of the berries on a bush]
Jack Woods:
Are these things clean?
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
Yeah, oh yeah, they're clean.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
Poisonious, but clean.
Jack Woods:
That's very funny, I'm just not used to eating anything without an experation date.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
Oh, go on Jack! Why don't you take a walk on the wild side!
Jack Woods:
[throws a berry up in the air and catches it with his mouth, making Kathleen laugh] Those are good!
Kathleen Fitzpatrick:
Jack Woods:
Those are really good. It's better than in the store.
[shoves more berries in his mouth]
Mickey Muldoon:
Come away with me.
Princess Jessica:
I can't!
Mickey Muldoon:
We can do anything!
[they kiss]
Jericho O'Grady:
[sees his brother bound by a pair of Fairies outside the bar he was gaurding] Aw, Barney!
Barney O'Grady:
Don't worry, lads. I've got them where I want them.
Count Grogan:
[flies in] Ah, Maldoon. What a coincidence finding you here.
Mickey Muldoon:
I don't want any trouble, Grogan. Let Barney go.
Count Grogan:
You might not *want* trouble, but that's what you've got.
[Mickey flips over him but he follows suit to stand in front of him again]
Count Grogan:
You don't get away that easy.
Mickey Muldoon:
I'm not fighting.
Count Grogan:
Oh, you'll fight. Or your young friend here has done his last spell of gaurding.
Sean Devine:
Is that a fact? Well, I'm happy to oblige you.
Jericho O'Grady:
And so am I.
Count Grogan:
My fight is with Maldoon here.
Sean Devine:
Ah, well. As much as it grieves me to watch another Leprechaun have all the fun.
[handing him a spear]
Sean Devine:
Go for it, Mickey me boy. Little Maurice here is begging for it.
Count Grogan:
DON'T call me Maurice!
Sean Devine:
Oh, well then, I won't. Maurice.
Jericho O'Grady:
[laughing] And niether will I - Maurice!
Barney O'Grady:
Maurice, Maurice, Maurice!
Sean Devine:
Give him a taste of Leprechaun justice, Mickey me lad.
Mickey Muldoon:
I'm not fighting, Seanie.
[to Grogan]
Mickey Muldoon:
Let him go.
[he tries to walk off but Sean stops him]
Sean Devine:
That girl has unmanned you.
Count Grogan:
He's a yellow-belly. He was coward's legs, like all Leprechauns.
Sean Devine:
That's it. Enough's enough. No more Mr. Nice Leprechaun. Oh, I'll show you coward's legs. *And* arms.
Mickey Muldoon:
Don't do it; it's what he wants!
Sean Devine:
Well, there's the thing. It's what I want, too!
[he draws his spear and Grogan's appears in his hand]
Barney O'Grady:
If you need any help, Sean, I'm right here for ya.
Sean Devine:
Good man.
[they fight]