驯鹿大竞赛 (1999)

  • 英国
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  • 动画  短片  喜剧
  • 片       名驯鹿大竞赛
  • 上映时间1999年12月25日(英国)
  • 导       演 Richard Go...


  • Robbie: I know what we do one day a year, but what about the other 364? Blitzen: Well, usually it's like-- [Scene of reindeer exercising] Robbie: Oh. I was hoping it would be more-- [Scene of Robbie dancing at a wild party] Robbie: Or maybe sometimes-- [Scene of reindeer playing guitar by the fire] Blitzen: Sorry, Robbie. But it's definitely-- [Scene of reindeer exercising] Robbie: When's the next bus out of town? Prancer: April. Robbie: Training it is. Blitzen: If you have any problems, come and see me. If you don't have any problems, come and see me anyway and we'll celebrate your lack of problems. Old Jingle: Remember you are what you eat. [Holds up a bag that says "Nuts"] Old Jingle: Mmm, nuts! Donner: Can you not speak to me because you love me... or because you just got trampled by a herd of reindeer? Vixen: I don't want you to run in the steeple chase. There, that settles it. Robbie: Sorry, Vixen but I'm going to run. And try to win and everything. Donner: I looked in the yellow pages under "Wise old mentors who can save the day." Donner: There's something oddly familiar about that fork lift. Robbie: Hi Donner. Elf: He's alive! Elf 2: Can we still eat him? Elf 3: [pause] No. Donner: It must be the last of some rare and endangered species. Prancer: Great! Let's kill it! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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