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  • Grace Williams: Hi Kevin. Kevin MacEldowney: [turns away from her] I know it was you. I still have a scar on my back. Grace Williams: What are you talking about? Kevin MacEldowney: Senior year science class, you spilled that beaker of acid on purpose. Grace Williams: Oh, that. That hurt? Clay Mellon: I'm working on a children's book. Yeah, it's kinda like the tooth fairy, only this one takes the teeth while they're still *in* the mouth. The Bee: [approaching a girl at the buffet] Hey, together we're the land of milk and honey. [Grace dials the phone number to the Winnie's babysitter] Grace Williams: Hello, Amber? You're all alone Amber? I've got a ball-pean hammer in my hand, Amber. I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna rip off your fucking head, and shit down your neck. [hangs up] [Maria diles 911 on a hotel payphone] Maria Goldstein: Hello? Yes? I'm calling from the Bismarck Hotel. Someone put Crazy Glue on a toilet seat in the ladies room and my friend is stuck. Yes, of course it's an emergency. I know but... Look you stupid bitch, my friend's butt is stuck to a toilet seat! Which part don't you understand? Yes, both cheeks. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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