酸葡萄 (1998)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名酸葡萄
  • 上映时间1998年04月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 拉里·戴维
  • 又       名酸葡萄 Sour Grapes
  • 编       剧 拉里·戴维


  • [Talking about Richie] Evan: You know what he's doing now? He's probably in the back of that limo, giving himself a blow job. Joan: What? Evan: Oh, yeah. He can blow himself. He's double-jointed. Joan: [in disgust] Men! Mr. Bell: I'll tell you another thing; you're not a good sole designer. Richie: Hey! I'm a great sole designer. Great! Mr. Bell: No, you're not. Richie: That's your opinion. Mr. Bell: That's right. Richie: Well, we disagree. Mr. Bell: Yes, we do. Richie: Well, you take care of yourself. Mr. Bell: I intend to. Richie: I'm sure you do. Mr. Bell: Why wouldn't I? Richie: No reason. Mr. Bell: So... why bring it up? Richie: Just trying to be nice. Mr. Bell: [sarcastically] Oh, my mistake. Richie: I'd say so. Richie: What are you doing tonight? Evan: I don't know. Nothing. How about you? Richie: I don't know. Roberta's out of town. I'll probably just go home and blow myself. [after bumping into each other] Richie: Well, well, well. What the hell are you doing here? Evan: What the hell you think I'm doing here? Richie: Hey, that was quite a joke, really. Really good going! Evan: Well, I sure as hell didn't think you'd give some bum the keys to your house so you can scare the shit out of your mother! Richie: You know I could have your license revoked for a stunt like that. Evan: Well, I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't offered me *three* percent! Richie: Three percent happened to be a very generous offer! I didn't have to offer you anything! Evan: They were my quarters! Richie: It was my machine! Evan: Don't you touch me! Richie: I didn't touch you! Evan: And don't point that finger--! Richie: I'll point it! Evan: I'll point too! Selma Maxwell: [making soup at the stove, to son Richie] This won't take long. ...little salt, a little peppah-deppah. Awww. Who else knows how much you love peppah-deppah? No one. No *one*! [singing] Selma Maxwell: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • There is a lay-dee / Who likes lovely bay-zhil / And this lovely basil lady / Came to town 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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