
  • Sarina Classer: I am an African-American lesbian woman. I have strength, I have pride, and I have ways of tricking lying, two-timing bitches into telling the truth! Vincey Sauris: Stop being such a faghag! Tara Ricotto: *You* stop being a fag, I'll stop being a faghag! Megan Pillsbury: Could we may be not talk about Sarina for five minutes, please? Alicia Pillsbury: You don't real have to be so testy, dear. After all, you did live together for a very long time.... Megan Pillsbury: For god's sake, mother. Anyone else's parents would be thrilled their daughter was out of a lesbian relationship and seriously seeing a man. A handsome successful good man at that. But you two, you just carry on! Alicia Pillsbury: [to Jared] She always was the testy one! Um ha ha! Emile Pillsbury: [in a low voice] Alicia, I think it's enough. Alicia Pillsbury: No, it's time for honesty right here at this table. Honesty. Alicia Pillsbury: [to Megan] You, you at a very young age, you came to the two of us, and you said to us that you were a lesbian. And that we should just get used to it. We have. And now you are bringing this [looking toward Jared] Alicia Pillsbury: . And Sarina was just like a daughter that we never had. Emile Pillsbury: [in a loud voice] Enough! Alicia Pillsbury: What are we going to say to our friends at PFLAG. That's what I would like to know. Jared Bartoziak: PFLAG? Emile Pillsbury: Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Alicia Pillsbury: [to Jared] Emile and I have been very active in this organization. Alicia Pillsbury: [to Megan] I would also like you to know that your father has written a book about our experiences, which was just about to get a rave from the New York Times Book Review. We sent them a copy. They love it. And now this. This is really, this is really a little bit embarrassing.... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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