
  • Nate: Now why did you have to burn my toast, baby? Nisi: Now you know said you wanted everything well done. Isaac: I'm calling the police. You two have been stealing - from my uncle. Manley: No... The girls had nothing to do with it. [looks at Antonio] Manley: It was Antonio. Isaac: Antonio... Antonio: Isaac, our plan could still work! It could be our words against theirs. Her fingerprints are still on the safe, man! Isaac: I don't know what you're talking about! What plan? I'm calling the police... [looking up at painting on a wall] James: Now, look at the picture! Look at the picture! Who does this picture remind you of? James, Ali: Laquisha Jenkins! Ali: UGGH... THAT'S NASTY! Mickey: My food is created to nourish the soul, okay? I haven't used pork since Thelma was on Good Times about to marry Ibe, the African prince and I said, "No, no, no, I'm waiting on my African prince to be my baby's daddy, so I stopped use pork,because I started using chicken broth, cause I couldn't be doin that! So I don't know what you talking about." See what I cook is much healthier than that *bird* stuff Alfred is cookin' for him!" Nisi: You remember when we took those CPR classes? Mickey: Yeah - All the cute guys were in there. Nisi: Didn't you learn anything? Mickey: No... But I met James. Nisi: Shh... we gonna check his heart to see if it's still beating... Go on. Check it. Mickey: You check it. Nisi: You check it. Mickey: You check it... Nisi: YOU CHECK IT! It's on yo side! Mickey: [Mickey laid her head against Mr. B's neck to see if he was still alive] He's alive! Nisi: I'm going to bed! Mickey: Nisi? Nisi? Nisi! Nisi: Now at the audition I didn't do the best I could... Heavy D: Hey! Ain't you that girl that hit the other girl in the face with your hair? Nisi: Uh huh... Heavy D: Oh no... I seen all you can do, Hon... Mickey: Naw, naw. She can really dance... Heavy D: No, I seen all you could do - you could hurt somebody Mickey: No, she can dance and I'm the next Monifa Nisi: She is! Heavy D: Oh - you the next Monifa? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 25 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Mickey 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • fc1 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : Yea... look here - This the "Mickey remix..." Check this out... IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE YOU BEEN GO-ONE... FEELS GOOD WHEN I'M WITH-CHU... I MISS YOU COME BACK HOME... Mickey: You think Ali and James miss us? Nisi: I don't know, but I know I miss my man... Mickey: Uh uh... you NEED to scoot over cause I ain't got no problem sleepin' on this expensive white carpet, cause I know it's poodle hair. James: See you deserve this kinda stuff... [hanging head to "cry"] James: but I just can't give it to you... You deserve nice stuff... You deserve a big ol' house... and you - you deserve your own back yard... and - and everyone else got a - a little white dog, why you can have one? I wanna take you out to dinner... everytime we go out, we gotta watch - other people eat... HELL I wanna eat too! And - and you need some clothes... W-w-why should you have to wear your Sunday clothes on Wednesday? Now look girl... don't think a dude a punk cause he crying like a little girl - but you're my queen... and I Lah-Love you! Mickey: Oh James you ain't never said nothin' like this... Don't said it if you don't mean it! [knocks James into a fountain] James: I MEAN IIIIIIIIIIIIT! Mickey: ...A-re-ah-der-chee to you too... and some mozzerella and fettichinni... Hell yea! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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