城堡 (1999)

  • 澳大利亚
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名城堡
  • 上映时间1998年12月24日(挪威)
  • 导       演 Rob Sitch


  • Darryl Kerrigan: This is going straight to the pool room. Farouk: He say plane fly overhead, drop value. In Beirut, plane fly over, drop bomb. I like these planes. Dale Kerrigan: Mum said it was funny how one day you're not famous, and the next day you are. Famous. And then you're not again. Wayne Kerrigan: How's Mum? Dale Kerrigan: Good. Wayne Kerrigan: How's Dad? Dale Kerrigan: Good. Wayne Kerrigan: How's Trace? Dale Kerrigan: Good. Wayne Kerrigan: How are you? Dale Kerrigan: Good. Wayne Kerrigan: How's Steve? Dale Kerrigan: He's all right. Wayne Kerrigan: Good. Dale Kerrigan: [voice-over] We could just chat for hours. Darryl Kerrigan: Dale dug a hole. Tell 'em Dale. Dale Kerrigan: I dug a hole. Darryl Kerrigan: Tell him he's dreaming Dale Kerrigan: [voiceover] He loved the serenity of the place Darryl Kerrigan: Hows the serenity? Dale Kerrigan: [voiceover] I think he also just loved the word. Darryl Kerrigan: So much serenity. Federal Court Judge: And what Law are you basing this argument on? Darryl Kerrigan: The Law of bloody common sense! Con Petropoulous: And can I just say how disenchanted I am with the legal system Steve Kerrigan: Dad, you haven't let anyone down. I don't know what the opposite of lettin' someone down is... but you done the opposite Darryl Kerrigan: Dad, he reckons powerlines are a reminder of man's ability to generate electricity. Dennis Denuto: It's the vibe of the thing, your Honor. Dale Kerrigan: Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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