
  • Mrs. Flynt: I'm so upset, I'd cry, but my tear ducts haven't worked since my last eye job. Lu: You know, I once built a castle out of Spam. Agent Zeke Kelso: Wherever the informant leads, it is our responsibility to follow him in a fluid moving perimeter. Patti Randall: God, I'm really good. Those "Charlie's Angels" reruns are starting to pay off. Mr. Peter Randall: Why are you always in black? Patti Randall: Because it matches my soul. Lizzie, the Flint's Servant: [about the Flints] What would they do without me? Mr. Flint: [through an intercom in his kitchen] Lizzie, are you milking the cow? My ulcer's doing a tango up here. Mr. Flint: [to Mrs. Flint] Why can't your plastic surgeon give the stock market a lift? Lizzie: I know karate. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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