霉运当头 (2002)

  • 加拿大 英国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名霉运当头
  • 上映时间1997年08月01日
  • 导       演 大卫·斯坦伯格
  • 剧       情
    戴夫·格雷扮演的男主角早晨跟上司发生争执,他冲进上司办公室理论时却发现上司脖子上插了一把刀,惊骇之下他仓惶逃跑。 倒霉的是这幕场景正好被同事目睹,他以为自己肯定会被当作凶手而开始逃亡。 事实上办公室的监控设施完全录下了真凶作案的过程,警察已经开始追捕真凶,更加倒霉的是男主角和真凶...


  • Nelson Hibbert: My name is Jones... Enema Bag Jones. Nelson Hibbert< 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • /b>: What kind of a man has a favorite daughter? Mr. Nagel: Now, moving along... Nelson Hibbert: And if you do have a favorite then you should label them! Favorite and not favorite! Lynn Holden: I feel that I'm a pretty intuitive person. Except for that one guy who said he was an advanced scout for an alien invasion force but it turned out he just wanted to get inside my pants. Creepy Guy: Know how many assassins it took to kill JFK? Nelson Hibbert: One? Creepy Guy: Nope. There were no gunmen at all. His head just did that. I call it the "No Bullet theory." The Killer: You're awake? Nelson Hibbert: Yeah, for a while now. The Killer: I've been carrying you! Nelson Hibbert: I thought you wanted to. Det. Arlen: I'll never catch him. I quit. Creepy Guy: I could kill you right now with just two teabags and some waxpaper! Det. Arlen: Captain Hughes, I want to know one thing. Are you sure it was him? Capt. Hughes: I'm positive. Uh, he wounded a bunch of my guys. He did this somersault thing onto a squad car while shooting. Det. Arlen: That's him all right. I've seen him pull himself up into an air duct. Capt. Hughes: Really? Det. Arlen: Well, great, he's out of Cleveland. No longer my problem. Let's go, Jimmy! Jimmy: The Feds would like you to stay on the case since you've been so involved this far, and the FBI will give you all the backup and resources you need to continue your investigation. Det. Arlen: That's just great. What kind of resources. Jimmy: Unlimited. Det. Arlen: Unlimited, huh? Jimmy: Uh-huh. Det. Arlen: Jimmy, how long would it take to get from here to Cincinatti by helicopter? Jimmy: I don't know. About half an hour. Det. Arlen: Great, get one. I got a sister in Cincinatti I haven't seen in eight months. Let's go! Nelson Hibbert: Something happened to me back there with that gun pointed to my head. I had... um... I had a uh... Lynn Holden: An epiphany? Nelson Hibbert: No, no. It was more like a realization but on a grand scale... Lynn Holden: An epiphany! Nelson Hibbert: No, it had like religious proportions to it... Lynn Holden: You're describing an epiphany... Nelson Hibbert: But whatever it was, it made me realize how shallow my life has been... Nelson Hibbert: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • It's these damn eyes- they're too sensitive to chemicals and... filthy towels. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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