
  • Rev. Fred Sultan: Who was the last person to beat the champ? Sol: His mother! [Quoting his father] Mitchell Kane: Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and I'll give ya something to cry about you little bastard! Rev. Fred Sultan: I like you. You have a goal, and you have the balls to reach that goal. You have this blind stupid belief in yourself. James Roper: Hey, we ain't duckin' you man. You're just so black we can't find you! James Roper: I could beat Conklin and my meat at the same time! Roper's Trainer: You got stop eatin' this stuff and be in some kind of shape! James Roper: Oh, I'm in shape! I'm round! James Roper: I'm about to donate some money to the remove my foot from your ass foundation! James Roper: I'll beat him with my blackness. Rev. Fred Sultan: Mono e mono? My dick wants to laugh. Terry Conklin: I've never been to a city more exploitive towards women. It makes me sick and I can't wait to go home. Interviewer: But wasn't that you on the cover of Playboy magazine? Terry Conklin: ...What's that? James Roper: [standing at podium] You want this? [grabs title belt and places it on top of podium] Marvin Shabazz: Yeah. James Roper: I'll spank you with it! [slams belt onto podium] Marvin Shabazz: I'll shove my dick so far up your ass, I'll impale your tonsils. Sol: That's a lovely picture. Marvin Shabazz: Shut up! Sol: Okay. Hassan El Ruk'n: [singing] Fuck you... Fuck you! Terry Conklin: [dazed] My midgets, where are my midgets? Sol: I can't make caviar out of fish eggs! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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