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  • Matt Finley: Just one thing, we don't take sociology. T.J. Krupp: You guys should pay more attention. Grover: Feel the fear... and go for it. [finds Brooke] Grover: You... owe me a quarter. [Brooke bursts into tears] Jimmy Finley: You can't tell us what to do! Teddy Finley: Yeah, you're not our real mom! [they set off a rocket with a tomato stuck to it and it gets on Louise, who then wipes it off] Louise Finley: That's how I know there's a God. Victor 'Vic' Finley: Louise! Louise Finley: I'm coming! [to Matt] Louise Finley: Will you just get the bomb squad dressed? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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