
  • Frank: Honey, these are cops. They're like garbage men with guns. Roz: Did you steal this from the house? Frank: No. Roz: Honey? Frank: Yes. [Looking at cows] Roz: Oh, these are so cute! Frank: Honey, puppies are cute. These are just cheeseburgers with legs. Frank: What are you looking for, a key? Roz: No, I'm lookin' for your brain. Frank: You think someone would actually leave a key? [Roz reaches above the door and finds a key] Roz: This key? Is this the key you're talkin' about? I'm just checkin'. Frank O'Brien: People like us are born in little houses and die in little houses, and we've got to find happiness somewhere in between. Todd: Girls like muscles. They like muscles and romantic dinners. Frank: Remember when we had the map. Those were the fuckin' day weren't they. The map days [A state trooper is preventing O'Malley from entering a crime scene] FBI Agent O'Malley: O'Malley, FBI! Local Cop: O'Malley? FBI Agent O'Malley: You got a problem with that? Local Cop: No. I just thought you'd be more... , more... FBI Agent O'Malley: More Irish? Local Cop: Yeah. FBI Agent O'Malley: [in a very fake Irish accent] Top o' the fuckin' mornin' to ya! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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