"Men Behaving Badly" (1996)

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  • 喜剧
"Men Behaving Badly"


  • advertisement Steve: Whenever I don't want to do something, I bring up my uncle Joe. Jamie: The student has become the teacher! Dr. Alexander: Why are we here? Kevin: Because you're Sarah's dearest and closest friends. Billy: Well, that's just sad. Dr. Alexander: How do you know Sarah? Billy: I used to groom her cat. Dr. Alexander: She has a cat? Billy: Not anymore. What about you? Dr. Alexander: I was her dentist until she sued me for gross malpractice. Billy: What did you do? Dr. Alexander: You're full of a lot of questions, aren't you? Cat killer. [Jamie enters the living room after a night of loud sex that Kevin had to suffer through and did various activities to keep his mind off the noise] Jamie: Why is the beer Buddha moved? Kevin: He asked me to dance. Kevin: [to Jamie] We needed to clear a room full of people; naturally, we came to you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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