Blood & Donuts (1995)

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  • 喜剧  恐怖
  • 片       名Blood & Don...
  • 上映时间1995年09月09日
  • 导       演 Holly Dale
  • 又       名Blood & Donuts
  • 编       剧 Andrew Rai...
  • 剧       情
    Boya, a vampire who went to sleep in 1969, is awakened in modern day Toronto by a stray golf ball. He becomes involved in the lives of a hap...


  • Stephen: Am I employing retards? I have nothing against retards in general, I just can't afford to employ them. Earl: What's, like, your take on heaven. Stephen: Most people have some dignity, most people long to leave a mark. If it were just a question of smudges... they wouldn't need the bowling shoe rule. Earl: So where you from? Boya Zsekely: It's a long story. Earl: I've got all night Boya Zsekely: You'd need all night. Earl: Well I've got all night. Boya Zsekely: Everyone's special. Molly: Well I've heard that one too. Boya Zsekely: It's what I believe. All I believe. Every human life... Molly: So you're one of those huh? Boya Zsekely: One of what? Molly: A humanist. Pierce: Hey earl, we need your trunk. [Earl shakes his head] Pierce: C'mon the guy's wrapped. There won't be any leakage. Boya Zsekely: Each time you turn your back, a few more... gone, makes you want to withdraw. Molly: Yeah, well. Can't go through life afraid to connect 'cos the thing might end, right? Boya Zsekely: Not might. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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