
  • Namon Ami: It seems you have a wonderful, loving family. Granny: Ha! The last time I felt anything like love from this family it turned out to be gas. Albert: I would never tear down this house! I have such fond memories of growing up here. Junior: Really dad, like what? Albert: Like, uh, well, the time I... well, they've escaped me at the moment. David: Where are your parents? Junior: Who knows, probably somewhere bumping uglies. David: You drive a hard bargain. Antoinette: Well, I'm not my father's daughter for nothing. [Antoinette puts her foot in David's crotch, David looks up in surprise] Antoinette: How's your meat? David: [chewing food] Um...hard. Antoinette: Maybe I should tenderize it for you. Kelly: [unaware] Did I overcook? Granny: [to her grown child] "You were a load I should've swallowed!" [Antoinette puts her foot in David's crotch under the dinner table, David looks up in surprise] Antoinette: How's your meat? David: [chewing food] Um...hard. Antoinette: Maybe I should tenderize it for you. Kelly: [unaware] Did I overcook? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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