Runaway Brain (1995)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动画  家庭  喜剧
  • 片       名Runaway Brain
  • 上映时间1995年08月11日
  • 导       演 Chris Bail...
  • 又       名Runaway Brain
  • 编       剧 Tim Hauser
  • 剧       情
    In an attempt to convince Minnie that he hasn't forgotten to buy her an anniversary present, Mickey Mouse ends up promising to take her to H...


  • [Mickey is completely strapped into a chair] Mickey Mouse: Talk about your iron clad contract. Dr. Frankenollie: Julius, Julius, baby, Daddy's found you a brand new brain. Mickey Mouse: Wait! You're not r-r-really gonna - Dr. Frankenollie: Put your brain in his body? (Buzz!) That's right! [Mickey is playing a video game when Minnie enters] Minnie Mouse: Mickey? Hello? [Stands in front of TV] Minnie Mouse: I'm so excited about tonight. Aren't you? Mickey Mouse: Minnie! You trying to get me killed? Minnie Mouse: Hmm, maybe. Oh, Mickey Mouse! You forgot, didn't you? Mickey Mouse: Oh, no. No, no. Forgot what? Minnie Mouse: Our anniversary? Mickey Mouse: Oh, yeah! Ha-ha! Anniversary. Of what? Minnie Mouse: Our very first date. Ooh! Well, from now on you can date your stupid video game! Dr. Frankenollie: Dr. Frankenollie at your service. You're here for the job, hmm? Mickey Mouse: Yeah. I mean, no! No. Dr. Frankenollie: Oh, don't be shy. It's not just a job. It's an adventure. Mickey Mouse: I hate adventure. Dr. Frankenollie: Perfect! You're hired. Mickey Mouse: [He and Julius have switched brains] Uh, you monster, me Mickey. Mickey Mouse. You know, Mickey Mouse? Just look in my wallet. You'll see. [Julius takes out Mickey's wallet; the first picture is from Steamboat Willie] Mickey Mouse: Ah, that's old. Ha. There's me, next to my girlfriend, Minnie. Julius: Oh, Minnie. Mickey Mouse: Yeah. And she likes my body and my mind. In the same place, that is. Dr. Frankenollie: Let me introduce your co-worker. I made him myself. Mickey Mouse: Oh, I don't feel like myself. I... [Pull back; Mickey is now Julius] Mickey Mouse: Oh, my gosh! I'm not myself. That crazy gizmo really worked. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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