Penny Henderson:
I told Dexter not to smoke. If you ask me, they oughta put warning labels on those packages.
Caught me at a bad time, kid. I'm in.
So am I.
Nobody enters my dressing room uninvited! What the hell do you think that star means?
You're Jewish?
I'm Claudette Katzenback, the va-va-va-voom girl with the va-va-va-voom voice. Who the hell are you?
Lieutenant Cross:
I'm Lt. Cross, the Chicago cop with the sh-sh-short temper.
Now you listen to me, Junior, don't you think that I don't know what's going on, because I do know, and now you know that I know.
Walt Whalen Junior:
Listen, I don't know what you know that I know, but I do know that you don't know what you think you know.
Oh no?
Walt Whalen Junior:
Milt Lackey:
Retire? Who'd support my mother and father?
[last lines]
And that's it from WBN in Chicago. If it wasn't clear before, it's certainly clear now; There'll never be anything quite like... radio.
Milt Lackey:
[pointing to his outstretched finger] That's it. That's the only thing I got that still works.
Milt Lackey:
In what other business can a man my age walk out on stage, smoke a cigar, tell a few jokes, sing a few songs, and use the same color lipstick that Dolores del Rio uses?
[stabbing a knife into a watermelon] The knife in the back.
[Grabs a mallet]
The sound of the human head smashing.
[Smashes the watermelon and pauses]
Hmmm... something is not quite right.
Try honeydew.
Good idea!
Wild Writer:
What if the wife smashes him over the head, with a frying pan, and then chops him up into hundreds of tiny pieces with her shiny new carving knife?
Father Writer:
No, I don't think so.
Son Writer:
It's a family show!
Wild Writer:
Okay, then what if she does it to the whole family?
Jules Cogley:
If you are gonna be a serious gin hound I reccomend that you develop some taste. This is rat poison.
[lifts flask to lips to drink]
Jules Cogley:
Oh, what the hell.
[singing] When you came in sight, I got that old feeling.
[the mechanical stage is breaking down] No! What the hell is wrong with my stage? This can't be happening, not to my baby!
Max Applewhite:
Looks like your baby needs a good whack in the axle.
Member, The Miller Sisters:
This is just horrible!
Guy in Vest and glasses:
Not really. Get your head caught in a thrashing machine. Now that's horrible.
Jeepers Mr. H, you sure we're doing the right thing here?
Ah take it easy kid. Look how long have we known each other anyway?
Um, six days...
Esactly. There's a bond there.
Oh! It was the killer! I saw him... he was... horrible. He was a tall guy... short too. And he was wearing this really nice suit, though it was kinda shabby. And he, and he had blackish, brownish, reddish, blondish, kinda whitish hair. And, and he definitely went downstairs, or, or maybe it was up.
Dexter Morris:
[about Walt, Jr] I'd like to get my hands on that weak-kneed, lilly-livered, son of a...
Famous general, right sir?
[Entering men's Bathroom] Coming in! Shake a leg and zip 'em up!
Er, where are we going Max?
Max Applewhite:
To Heaven, Roger. We're going to Heaven.
You would find it much more easier to kill me than her.
Max Applewhite:
You're right, I would find it much more easier to kill you than her.
We need to break the glass! Use your gun!
[Jasper throws his gun at the door]复制复制成功复制失败,请手动复制