
  • Beezle: Hey, Charlie, suppose I made you quarterback of the Rams? Would you give me Rachel and Adam? Charlie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You know, if you'd said the Niners, I might have said yes. But you didn't. So go to Hell. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Charlie: Can you tell me the quickest way to Hell? The Hitchhiker: Sex, drugs, rock'n roll! [Making out in a car] Rachel: Charlie... Charlie, not in a Ford Pinto. Charlie: Just close your eyes and picture a Porsche. Beer Pitchman: When I come home from a long day in Hell, there's nothing I'd rather reach for than a fire-brewed bottle of Styx Beer. Made from the filthiest waters from our own River Styx. Styx Beer is a third more toxic than any other regular beer. The worst beer - the filthiest beer - the deadliest beer. It's Styx Beer! Beezle: People live, people die...they come down here. I have infinite levels of Hell. What you've seen is nothing, a mere kindergarten. It's so easy for me now. People have lost their willpower, their hope. They think the world is going to come to an end. Wishful thinking. The world will last a long long long long time. Rachel: Haven't you ever been in love? Satan: I am darkness made visible. I am the Prince of Princes. I once basked in the light of God's love. Rachel: Then you must know how we feel. Satan: I know how everyone feels. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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