GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland (1992)

  • 喜剧  奇幻  音乐


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  • The Mother: Over my dead body will you go hang out with some... dirty... filthy... stinky rock and roll band! Skateboarder: Gee Sleazy, do you really know Gwar? Sleazy P. Martini: Yeah, I know Gwar, I'm their f**kin Manager. Father Bohab: [On T.V] ... and if your child is exposed to the evils of Rock and Roll, it aint too late to enroll them in Edna Granbo's Juvenile Rehabilitation Summer Bible Concentration Camp. The Mother: Oooooh, you could roll out in one of those, son. The Bum: [Disgusted by his Own Mothers intolerance for himself] Sure Mom. Father Bohab: ...and with a Parole Study Session, and a minimal of Cosmetic Surgery, your boy... your YOUNG boy will be able to try out for Father Bohabs Singing Swallow Boys Choir, and if you think it all might possibly benefit from this program, then bring him to my Private Studio for a Personal... Audition. [Two boys in the backround hop once in an arousing manner] The Bums "Best Friend": [Walking in with his Skateboard] Guess who's in Town. The Bum: Who? The Bums "Best Friend": [Whispers] GWAR. The Bum: [Exited] No way! The Bums "Best Friend": YES way, recording at the ole Studio, i'm gonna go there, you wanna go? The Bum: Sure! The Mother: Over My dead BODY will you go hang out with some dirty... filthy... f... f... stinkin rock and ROLL band! The Bum: [think of a response] F... F... F**K you Mom! The Bums "Best Friend": Here, hit her with the skate board. [Hands him the Skateboard to traumatize his Mom with, then a moment after that] The Bums "Best Friend": I... think you better kill her. [pauses] The Bums "Best Friend": She'll tell your Dad. The Bum: [worried] I better kill her, she'll tell my Dad? The Bums "Best Friend": Here, use this. [Hands him the Iron] The Bum: Cooooooool! The Mother: [Getting her face ironed,screaming] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Slave with Long Hair.: [the Flying Ship is running low on Power] We are running out of... CRAAAAAAACK! Corporal Punishment: Now remember kids, if an Arab is not working for you, he is working AGAINST you. Father Bohab: Hey, close that curtain, can't a man have a little privacy? We're praying in here! Dick Cox (The News Reporter): [after the Morality Squad is eliminated] The City is under attack by GWAR. Do not panic, stay in your homes... huh, what? Oh, this just in: A four... hundred... foot... Tyrannosaurus Rex, has crushed the Trailer Park and is headed for City Center? Oh C'MON, GAME OVER MAN! [Takes out a hidden gun] Dick Cox (The News Reporter): I'm checkin' outta here... no... don't stop me... this thing is loaded... I'm sorry Marge. [Shoots himself] Cameo appearance: [Getting ready to shoot a video for the Cereal, which happens to be no more than crack, and cocaine] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You know, Children, this happens to be... one of the best things we have ever put into our mouths, better than... perhaps... sucking off the Family Doggy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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