
  • [to a waiter at a classy restaurant in Rome] Butterfinger: C'mon, Pierre! Read my lips: steak burger! French Fries? This is France, you gotta have French Fries. Almond Joy: Actually, it's Italy, Butterfinger. As if it made a difference. Butterfinger: Ah, to be in "Paree" and in love! Cardinal: Oh, the Pope warned me never to trust the CIA! Darwin Mayflower: History, tradition, culture... are not concepts! These are trophies I keep in my den as paperweights! The chaos we will cause with this machine will be our final masterpiece! Darwin Mayflower: I'll kill your friends, your family, and the bitch you took to the prom! Hudson Hawk: Betty Jo Byarsky? I can get you an address on that, if you want. Hudson Hawk: You fuck my freedom for a lousy job? Narrator: Long ago, the Duke of Milan commissioned a little known artist to erect a Mammoth statue of a horse. The time was The artist was Leonardo da Vinci. The guy on the donkey's just a guy on a donkey. [Hawk has just decapitated a villain] Hudson Hawk: Looks like you won't be attending that hat convention in July. Gates: I got a proposition for ya. Hudson Hawk: Answer's "no," Gates... Even if you bathe. Hudson Hawk: But I want to do community service; I want to teach the handicapped how to yodel. Hudson Hawk: If the Mario brothers weren't New Jersey's third-largest crime family, I'd say, "Kiss my ass." But considering your status, I will say, "Slurp my butt." Jerry: 673 Wongs in the phone book. Dean: Hmmm. Helluva lotta Wong numbers. Tommy Five-Tone: Did I miss anything? Hudson Hawk: Gates tries to blackmail me, you ask me "Did I miss anything." Gates gets killed, you say "Did I miss anything." I bet you went up to Mrs. Lincoln at the Ford Theatre and said "How was the show? Did I miss anything?" Hudson Hawk: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Is looking like a constipated warthog a prerequisite for getting a job in the artworld? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Darwin Mayflower: So, Hawkmeister. We've got you clothes, a great hotel and a 250,000 lira per diem. Minerva Mayflower: That's 200 dollars a day. So he can get a hooker and some tequila? Veto Darwin. Hudson Hawk: I guess we see who wears the penis in this family. George Kaplan: I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Rome. I did my first bare-handed strangulation here. Communist politician. Hudson Hawk: Why George you old softie. George Kaplan: God, I miss Communism. The Red threat... people were scared... the agency had some respect and I got laid every night. Waiter: I am the waiter sir. Hudson Hawk: Oh. Very nice. Fettucini con fungi porcinni. Prego. Oh, and bring me a bottle of ketchup, will ya? Anna: You heard him. Waiter: Ketchup! Ketchup! Stupid Americanos always ketchup... Darwin Mayflower: The last ingredient in the recipe is Da Vinci's model of a helicopter... Minerva Mayflower: ...on display for three days only at the Louvre in Paris. Hudson Hawk: As opposed to the Louvre in Wisconsin? Darwin Mayflower: If Da Vinci was alive today, he'd be eating microwave sushi, naked, in the back of a Cadillac with the both of us. Hudson Hawk: Will you play Nintendo with me? Anna: I can't think of anyone I'd rather play Nintendo with. George Kaplan: The last time you saw me I was bald, beard with no mustache, and I had a different nose. So if you don't recognize me, I won't be offended Hudson Hawk: My high school science teacher? Darwin Mayflower: I'll torture you so slowly, you'll think it's a career. Darwin Mayflower: You New York Italian, father-made-twenty-bucks-a-week son of a bitch. Anna: He's definitely gonna steal the Codex. I can feel it. I'm not sure when. Cardinal: Attempt to steal, you mean. The vanity in this man Hudson Hawk! The Vatican has foiled the advances of pirates and terrorists. We will not lie down for some schmuck from New Jersey. Anna: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been 1,200 hours since my last confession. Cardinal: [yawning] Hit me with your best shot. Anna: I betrayed a man. A good man. An innocent man. A thief. Hudson Hawk: Hey, this doesn't taste like cappuccino. Anna: Oh. I guess I put too much ethyl chloride in it. Darwin Mayflower: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Money isn't everything - gold is. Fuck T-bills! Fuck blue chip stocks! Fuck junk bonds! We've got the real deal! Money will always be paper, but gold will always be GOLD! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Minerva Mayflower: Bunny, ball ball. Anna: I'm not a very good damsel in a dress, am I? Hudson Hawk: Anna, we're supposed to be saving you. Anna: I know. I got bored so I saved myself. Anna: I feel like a dolphin who's never tasted melted snow. What does the color blue taste like? Bobo knows? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee! Darwin Mayflower: Yo Flipper! A damsel in distress implies that there is some well-hung Dudly Do-Right galloping up to save you. Anna: [Upon Hudson Hawk learning she is a nun] It doesn't mean I don't love you. Hudson Hawk: Oh, no! You love me! It's YOUR JOB! You probably love Butterfingers over there. Anna: Well, yeah, in a weird sort of Catholic way, I do. [Tommy Five-Tone is miraculously alive at the end of the film] Hudson Hawk: You're supposed to be all cracked up at the bottom of the hill! Tommy Five-Tone: Air bags! Can you fucking believe it? Anna: You're supposed to be blown up into fiery chunks of flesh! Tommy Five-Tone: Sprinkler system set up in the back! Can you fucking BELIEVE it? Hudson Hawk: How am I driving? 1-800-I'm-gonna-fuckin'-die! Anna: In one day - less than one day of planning, and you did it. You started the week by stealing the Sforza and ended by swiping the Codex. What are your plans for the weekend? Hoisting away the Coliseum? Tell me, did the Devil make you do it, or did Darwin and Minerva Mayflower? Hudson Hawk: Can't we just go back to the kissing part? Almond Joy: Almond Joy. Get it? Candy bars. Well, it's better than when we first started out. Our code names were diseases. Do you know what it's like being called Chlamydia for a year? Darwin Mayflower: What can I tell you? I'm the bad guy. Butterfinger: I'm Butterfingers. Hudson Hawk: No shit. Almond Joy: This is what I get for darting a nun! [last lines] Narrator: With the world saved and the secrets of Da Vinci protected, Eddie finally got his coffee. Tommy Five-Tone: That doughnut-hole-eating, son-of-a-bitch, take-it-in-the-ear-for-a-beer, rat bastard! Hudson Hawk: Reindeer Goat Cheese Pizza? George Kaplan: [as the limo goes over the cliff] MY PENSION! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [to the two museum guards who wanted to catch Hawk and Five-Tone and fell] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Big Stan: Get up, you're embarrassing me! Kit Kat: [flips a card so that Hawk can read it] "My name is KitKat. This is not a dream." Darwin Mayflower: Waldo, 100 million clams! Yes! Auctioneer: That's 100 millon dollars to Mr. Darwin Mayflower. Minerva Mayflower: 100 million and one, Waldo! Auctioneer: Fantastic! 100 million dollars and one. Darwin Mayflower: Outbid by mine own wench! Quelle bummere! Minerva Mayflower: Don't hate me baby! Igg: Igg! Ook: Ook! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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