Jetsons: The Movie (1990)

  • 美国
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  • 家庭  动画  喜剧
  • 剧       情
    The Jetsons have made their film debut in a film about family, friends, and all that stuff. George's tightwad boss, Mr. Spacely, is determin...


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  • : Polly wanna gas mask? Jane: Hey Judy, wanna come with me to the big shopping mall tomorrow? Judy: Oh I don't think I could possibly... What time does it open? Teddy 2: Looks like your Elroy Elevator is out of order. Elroy Jetson: This move I call the Elroy Elevator. George: Hey, you've done everything. Rudy 2: Everything but press the button that gets it all going. That's your job, George, and Mr. Spaceley says you're the best. George: Well I wouldn't say that... but - well yes, maybe I would. [explaining how the factory works] Rudy 2: There's the drilling bore. It brings up the ore. George: The bore brings up the ore, got it! [hits the start-up button] Rudy 2: The ore makes the sprockets. George: The ore makes the sprockets? Rudy 2: Uh-huh. George: Uh-huh. Rudy 2: Pack the sprockets into packets. George: Sack the packets into brackets? Rudy 2: For the lockers. George: For the lockers! Rudy 2: Lock the sprocket locker key in the pocket of your jacket. George: Got the sprocket locker key in my outer jacket pocket. Rudy 2: Are you ready? George: I'm ready. Rudy 2: Take the bore ore sprocket packets from the packet brackets. George: And we rocket... Rudy 2: While we're rappin'. Rudy 2, George: Yes we rocket while we're rappin' and we're rockin' and a rollin' and we rocket the sprockets to Spacely. Yeah! Judy: [bawling] I just found out Doris told Susie and Susie told Mary and Mary told Francie and Francie told me Helen took my date with Cosmo! And now my heart is totally broken! I'll never be happy again! Never! Never! Never! Never! I hate this place! [runs away bawling] George: Jane! Get me off this crazy thing! Mr. Spaceley: Now what, Jetson? What is this time? George: Just another little glitch, Mr. Spaceley! Mr. Spaceley: Another little glitch, huh? George: [shakes the Sprocket off his nose] Yes, sir. Mr. Spaceley: I think I know what that glitch is, Jetson, and I'm looking at him! George: Why did you wake me? I was dreaming about sleeping. Judy: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Thanks, Dad. You're outer-galactic. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • George: I'm out of money, too. Mr. Spaceley: Don't give those guys anymore donuts. Mr. Spaceley: What'll I do? What'll I do? I can lick this problem, but how? Think, Spacely, think. First I need someone to replace that Throttlebottom. But who? [yells into the intercom] Mr. Spaceley: Gertrude! Gertrude: [she comes in] Yes, Mr. Spacely? Mr. Spaceley: Take a problem. [she begins typing] Mr. Spaceley: We need one: A worker who's total loyalt is to Spacely Sprockets. And, of course, to me: President, CEO, and all-around sweetiepie. Two: someone expendable. [his image comes up on Gertrude's computer screen] Mr. Spaceley: Very funny. Three: Smoeone who will work for peanuts. Four: Not too bright. And Five: Someone who can push a button. That's it! Ok, what have you got? Gertrude: It's thinking, Mr. Spacely. It's thinking. [the screen flashes a lot of images until it comes to George's picture] Mr. Spaceley: Jetson? I wouldn't choose Jetson even if Spacely Sprockets was going bankrupt! If I needed a transfusion! If I lost my stockholders! My home! If I were penniless! [calms down] Mr. Spaceley: Penniless? Gertrude: He is expendable. Mr. Spaceley: Perfect! [the bore driller is operational while the Jetsons, Astro, Teddy 2, Fergie, Apollo Blue, Squet and the Grungies are still underground] [motioning to the Jetsons] Squet: Come on, come on, come on! [the ground starts to give way under his feet] Elroy Jetson: Oh no! Squet! [grabs Squet's hand] Elroy Jetson: Hang on! [the ceiling crumbles over their heads, knocking them down over a edge] Jane: [scared to death] ELROY! [Everyone works together to move rocks. The Grungies form a 'human' chain to save Elroy and Squek as George and Jane look at each other with conerned looks on their faces. The Grungies pull a dirty Elroy, who is holding Squet, out from the caved in area] Teddy 2: He's got Squet! George: Elroy! [picks up Elroy and Squet] George: Oh thank God your safe son. Jane: [Takes Elroy into her arms from George] Oh Elroy, darling. I was afraid. [tears in her eyes] Jane: I was *so* afraid. Elroy Jetson: I'm ok, mom, I'm ok. Squet's ok, too. [he slaps hands with Squet and the Grungies chant Squets name] George: [to the grungies] Thanks to all of you. [the Grungies cheer] George: C'mon everybody. We've got to stop the drilling! C'mon! [Everyone runs off] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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