毒魔复仇2 (1989)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  冒险  喜剧


  • Toxic Avenger: At first I found it hard to believe that my father was Japanese, and that I was part-Japanese. But that would explain why I've always had these strange, non-American urges to work very hard, save money, and live without credit cards. Big Mac: I am the Big Mac, I am the big cheese. You could say, I am the Big Mac with cheese. Big Mac: Smellvin! Toxic Avenger: "Smellvin"? Don't call me Smellvin, my name is Melvin! Apocalypse Inc. Chairman: Neither a borrower, nor a lender be... Shakespeare. Homeless Woman: Fuck You... David Mamet The Toxic Avenger: After a long day of crime fighting, I like to play a little basketball. Malfaire: Gentlemen, even comic book villains like us can tell if you want the job done you need to buy a Japanese product! The Chairman: You know what I want. He... must... be... de... stroyed! The Toxic Avenger: Finally... my search is over. Ooohhh... he looks like a big teddy bear, I love him already. The Chairman: Without the Toxic Avenger gone, we will never win the hearts of the little people of Tromaville. And without Tromaville, we'll never take New York. And without New York, WE'RE JUST ANOTHER FAILURE! [Toxie is fighting a thug, when suddenly a beeping is heard. The thug checks his watch] Thug: Lucky for you I've got a piano lesson! The Toxic Avenger: [to Japanese thugs] Odinki daska, guys. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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