来电的感觉 (1989)

  • 英国 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名来电的感觉
  • 上映时间1989年04月14日
  • 导       演 Zelda Barr...
  • 剧       情


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  • Elvira: Y'all is the horniest bunch of white folks I ever seen! Malaina: I can't believe I'm making out with Jimmy Valentine. Luanne: If I'm not engaged by the time I'm twenty, I'm gonna kill myself. Buzz: Don't play hard to get. You might miss something. Carson: It was our last weekend together, and we didn't feel like going to Fort Sumter and touring goddamn colonial homes. We wanted to go to the beach and meet boys and go to wild parties and dance. Pudge: Why can't girls ask boys to dance? Luanne: Daddy's bourbon. Strictly off-limits. Luanne: I think somebody's been here! Luanne: I can't feel my teeth! Buzz: I'm Buzz Ravenal. Let's dance. Carson: I'm sorry, I'm engaged. Buzz: Well, I'm sorry you're engaged, too. [while looking for Buzz] Harley: Are you Fuzzy? Maid: Shut your filthy mouth! Buzz: In my opinion, marriage is just a legalized form of prostitution. Pudge: Stay on your diet dear, YUCK YUCK YUCK. Chip: Know any elephant jokes? Pudge: Is that a remark? Chip: Huh? Pudge: Oh, sorry, I'm just real senstive about my weight. Chip: What weight? Carson: You want me to go all the way up there, to a Yankee school, just so I can come over every weekend and practice "free love" with you? Buzz: Well, not every weekend. Luanne: Here, you'll wear my momma's hoop skirt. Malaina: I know how to win this thing. Luanne: Why Melaina! It is bad manners to think about winnin'! Malaina: Look Luanne! I'm not goin' to college like some people. And I sure as hell ain't marryin' a damn Ralston. And I ain't gonna die in a parish house in Spartanburg, South Carolina, thank you. Luanne, I'm as pretty as any of those girls in Hollywood. This is my chance! Jimmy Valentine's gonna discover me today, and it ain't gonna be in your mama's hoop skirt! Luanne: Would you at least consider my one-piece bathin' suit? Pudge: Mary Pat Montgomery's the one who told me about boners. It isn't a bone at all, it's a muscle. This cousin of hers dated a Clemson Tiger who sprained his in a game, and she had to massage it every night when it got hard because he was in so much pain. Luanne: Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! Every damned thing has to happen when you're in a damned hurry! The Manager: Have I met you before? Malaina: Maybe in one of your better dreams. Buzz: This is cozy Carson: Let me out Buzz: I'm offended that you could be interested in someone like him. Carson: You don't know me, you don't love me, sures damn well don't want to marry me, so why don't you leave me the hell alone? Buzz: I can't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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