Vibes (1988)

  • 美国
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  • 奇幻  灾难  冒险
  • 片       名Vibes
  • 上映时间1988年08月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 肯·卡皮斯


  • Sylvia Pickel: What's your problem, aside from your face? Nick Deezy: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yes, yes, let's just hold it here for one second. "Stretch"? "Stretch-a-roo"? What's coming next, "Stretch-mark"? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sylvia Pickel: [affecting a snobbish accent] Will someone please settle this? In a Rolls Royce Corniche, the bar opens from left to right, not right to left, doesn't it? Harry Buscafusco: Might I ask, what are you doing with a gun? Sylvia Pickel: It's not mine. My ex-boyfriend left it here when he moved out. Harry Buscafusco: What did he have it for? Sylvia Pickel: I don't know. With a guy named Icepick, you don't ask a lot of questions. Nick Deezy: There was a woman, I swear. She fell of the balcony, her body was right there! Harry Buscafusco: Maybe she bounced into those bushes. Women are soft, and round. Sylvia Pickel: Maybe a gang came and took the body away, you know, so no questions could be asked! Harry Buscafusco: So that's no on the bouncing? Nick Deezy: I like to breathe, I'm good at it. Sylvia Pickel: I'd give you the finger but I'm too refined. Sylvia Pickel: I'm surprised all women haven't tried to kill you! Jane: How you doin' Lyle? How's that pretty Mrs. of yours? Lyle: Oh, fine. Jane: He's married to a former Miss Universe. Nick Deezy: Really? Lyle: Yeah, I don't just move ashtrays. Nick Deezy: [In bed, Hillary removes her panties and hands them to Nick] Another man has been holding these panties. You know I can tell. Hillary: It's, it's my father. Nick Deezy: What? Hillary: He did my laundry for me, I swear. Nick Deezy: Your father's a professional hockey player who scored two goals that night... and an assist? Hillary: Oh, God. I should have burned those panties. Nick Deezy: But why, Hillary? Why would you wanna sleep with... Hillary: I was lonely! You were gone! I went out with a bunch of girls. I had a bunch of drinks. We met a bunch of guys. Nick Deezy: You had a bunch of sex! Doctor Harrison Steele: [Nick holds an M-16 on the bad guys] Have you handled a machine gun before? Nick Deezy: Sure, lots of times, in high school. I was the captain of the machine gun team. Nick Deezy: [Nick is being tested by two researchers, a man and a woman] Someone's had sex on this table. [they share guilty looks] Dr. Weiner: All right Miss PICKle. Sylvia Pickel: PickELL, Dr. Whiney. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dr. Weiner 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Weiner. Sylvia Pickel: Sorry. Consuelo: I have something for you. Nick Deezy: I have something for you. Consuelo: Here. It's an aphrodisiac. It's made from the horn of rhinoceros and dried rabbit glands. [hands a pill to Nick] Nick Deezy: But no sugar, I hope. Ooh! Are there rhinoceroses in a garage in New Jersey? Consuelo: What? Nick Deezy: A garage in New Jersey. I swear that's where this was made. Harry Buscafusco: Y'know what's happening here? You two are feelin' a lot of sexual tension as a result of the near miss in Nick's tent last night. Why don't you guys work that out? I'll turn around, give you a couple minutes. Have a good time. Nick Deezy: [Immediately] Harry, you can turn around now. Harry Buscafusco: Already? I'd see a doctor about that. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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