蜡像馆丧尸 (1988)

  • 美国 西德
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  • 喜剧  恐怖
  • 剧       情
    小镇上富裕的大学生马克和他的女友莎拉邀请他们的同学来到一所神秘的蜡像馆参观,里面栩栩如生的蜡像很块把他们吸引住。 然而,真实的情况是,这些蜡像的确是活的,随后马克的朋友们便纷纷失踪。经过他们艰苦的调查才发现,原来馆长是邪恶的纳粹军官,利用巫术制造了一个个邪灵空间,他的朋友们不幸被...


  • advertisement Dracula: Raw meat. You do like raw meat? Dracula: Steak tartar? Ah, yes. Steak tartar. China: Can't a girl get laid around here without being burned at the stake? Mark Loftmore: [with an unlit cigarette in his mouth] Anybody got a match? China: I do what I want when I want. Dig it or fuck off. [Mark is threatened by an armed French guard] Mark Loftmore: I'm sorry, I was never very good at languages. Mark Loftmore: One last thing before you kill us Lincoln! Mr. Lincoln: You know my name? Mark Loftmore: I should. You murdered my grandfather! Mr. Lincoln: You're a Loftmore! Old horror lord's grandchild. Well, well, well, what a coincidence. It's such a small world! Mark Loftmore: Well, then why do you want to end it? Mr. Lincoln: Somebody has to. Mark Loftmore: [reading the first bit of the essay he had his maid write for him on 'Dictators'] 'The Trouble with Dictators'. I think dictators are the bad people. They have the shouting voices, and the small moustaches. [sighs] Mr. Lincoln: Would you like a closer look? Gemma: What's happening tonight, guys? Tony: Nothing. I gave up drinking. Sarah Brightman: The third time this month? Hans: Velcome to the Vaxvork. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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