Party Camp (1988)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名Party Camp
  • 上映时间1988年08月05日
  • 导       演 Gary Grave...
  • 又       名Party Camp
  • 编       剧 Paul Brown


  • Jerry Riviera: This is the girl of my dreams, and the job of my dreams! Camp Chipmunk, here I come! Ned-man: How did you pay for camp? Food stamps? D.A.: Hey listen dick-breath, I don't have a rich mommy and daddy to pay for me. I earned my way. Winslow: Unless I'm mistaken, this is a wild herb known as 'Angelica Vulgaris'. D.A.: So? Winslow: Well, the Greeks and Romans believed that certain herbs had medicinal and mystical powers. If I'm right, this plant is supposed to be an aphrodesiac. D.A.: How strong is it? Winslow: I've heard that it makes spanish fly look like sea salt. Dyanne Stein: Oh wow. Oh god. Loot at them. People think they're implants but they're real. They're perfect. I'm perfect. These are wonderful. These really are amazing. I was really blessed at birth. Tad just worships these. You know what he call them? He calls them his baby rockies. I must have the best body in the entire camp. Sarge: Did anyone see you? Nurse Brenda: No. Sarge: Goos. So what are you in the mood for? I got the bee costume all ready. Nurse Brenda: No. Sarge: Zorro? Nurse Brenda: No. No Zorro. I had something better in mind. I made this special outfit myself. Sarge: Are you sure about the bee? I could just sting you a little bit. Nurse Brenda: I'll leave and then you can go and sting yourself all night. Sarge: God, I love my job. Nurse Brenda: Quiet slave. Get to it! Sarge: Yes ma'am. Sarge: Silence and get to work. Oh that's it. Sarge: Keep riding me. Nurse Brenda: Like this? Sarge: Oh yeah. Nurse Brenda: Suck my titties! Kiss my titties! Sarge: Brrrrrrrr. Brrrrrr. Nurse Brenda: Oh yeah! You bad slave! Oh! Oh! Oh! Sarge: Brrrrrrrr. Brrrrrrr. Nurse Brenda: Oh Sarge, you really know how to push my buttons! Keep it up. Keep it up! Sarge! Dyanne Stein: Oh Tad. Let's do it here! Tad Whitneyworth: Okay! Lie down. Dyanne Stein: Oh, you're such a kinkmeister! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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