
  • Cop: Hey kid. Why do you wear sunglasses at night? Vince Latello: Because when you're cool, the sun shine on you 24 hours a day. Detective Nulty: What's your name, cowboy? Bob Roberts: Robert Roberts, Esquire to you, honky! Latello: My old man says, "Treat broads like dirt and they love ya." Harlan: Oh, yeah? So where's your old lady? Latello: My parents are divorced. Vince Latello: I just want to be home watching cartoons! Sherman: This plant has been extinct for sixty billion years! Vince Latello: Yeah? Well I ain't ever seen one before! Vince Latello: [gives the finger to another driver] Sit on this, buttplug! Vince Latello: Danger makes great sex. Michael Harlan: [at the school library counter] We need a book. Sherman: Oh, a car book? Vince Latello: [mockingly] A car book? Michael Harlan: No, a book on strange things. Sherman: Like Vince. Vince Latello: [grabs Sherman] Hey, syonara dicknose! Sentry: Saying something in Eqyption Latello: Yo, Sherman what he say Sherman: He's going to kick our ass 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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