御用杀手 (1985)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  冒险  喜剧
  • 片       名御用杀手
  • 上映时间1985年10月11日
  • 导       演 盖·汉密尔顿
  • 剧       情
    An NYPD cop is 'killed' in an accident. The death is faked, and he is inducted into the organization CURE, dedicated to preserving the const...
  • 获       奖


  • Chiun: Women should stay home and make babies. Preferably, manchild. Major Rayner Fleming: [to Remo] I see you both went to the same charm school. [Remo dangles from a car on the Wonder Wheel] Remo Williams: Jesus! Chiun: Concentrate! This is NO time for prayer! Conn MacCleary: [to Remo] You're going to be the Eleventh Commandment: 'Thou shalt not get away with it.' Chiun: You move like a pregnant yak. Sit. Chiun: It would be better for you to eat this can than what is inside of it. Why must everything in this country be coated with monositi-... monosoti... Remo Williams: Monosodium glutamate. You can't even say it. Chiun: I can say "rat droppings." That does not mean I want to eat them. Gen. Scott Watson: So listen to this, George. Lyman four-putts. Four-putts, mind you. I thought he'd have a stroke. And I'd have claimed it if he had. Chiun: You did not ask to be white. So perhaps that is not your fault. You did not ask to be here. Perhaps that is not your fault, either. New York City traffic control cop: Excuse me. What are you doin' to that boy? Remo Williams: Oh, uh, unnecessary use of the horn, officer. New York City traffic control cop: Well, I'll be unnecessary use of my nightstick on your thick skull if you don't let him go. Remo Williams: Whatever happened to police courtesy and that kind of stuff, huh? New York City traffic control cop: We save that bullshit for the Upper East Side. Conn MacCleary: All I can promise you is terror for breakfast, pressure for lunch, and aggravation for sleep. Your vacations will be two minutes when you're not looking over your shoulder, and if you live to draw a pension, it'll be a miracle. Remo Williams: Are there any disadvantages? Conn MacCleary: Hell, I'm lucky I've lasted THIS long. Chiun: Breathe out... slowly... do not gulp. If you do not breathe correctly, you do not move correctly. Pitiful. I can see the deadly hamburger has done its evil work. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You know, Chiun, there are times when I really like you. Chiun: Of course. I am Chiun. Remo Williams: And there are times when I could really kill you. Chiun: Good. We will practice that after dinner. Remo Williams: Are you hurt? Chiun: No. When you approach middle age, there is a tendency toward bruising, my son. Remo Williams: What? What did you call me? Chiun: I called you a clumsy oaf. You drive like a monkey in heat. Chiun: The trained mind does not need a watch. Watches are a confidence trick invented by the Swiss. Chiun: Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. Remo Williams: You know, Chiun, you're a real pain in the ass. Chiun: That is because it is the fastest way to your brain. 'Doctor' in soap opera: Jim, the leg has got to come off. [Crashing chord on organ] 'Jim' in soap opera: No! No! I was gonna be an All-American! 'Doctor' in soap opera: Well, now you can - you can be all-American for courage! Remo Williams: Chiun, you're incredible! Chiun: No, I am better than that. Chiun: Fear is just a feeling. You feel hot. You feel hungry. You feel angry. You feel afraid. Fear can never kill you. Remo Williams: Do you always talk like a Chinese fortune cookie? Chiun: [outraged, strikes Remo, who falls to the ground in pain] Chinese! KOREAN is the most perfect creature ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of its foot. Harold Smith: Guard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven. Charles M. Russell, Montana, Chiun: [Talking to Remo] Put your hands behind your head. [Remo complies, and doubles over from a blow from Chiun, too fast to be seen ] Chiun: I did not say keep them there. Your reflexes are pitiful! The seasons move faster. Remo Williams: [Remo hears Chiun singing a song in Korean] Is it painful? Chiun: I was singing an old Korean love song. Remo Williams: It's a wonder the race isn't extinct. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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